Thursday, September 18, 2008

Luke VS Meme (the sheep)

Last night we had a real scare. My adorable 21 month old Thomas Luke received a head-butt to the back from our 125lb sheep (Meme). I felt a change in perspective like I've never known!

We've had Meme for a year or so. We were so amazed when we purchased her, because we've never had a sheep before and didn't know really what to expect. God's handiwork is...amazing! We laughed ourselves silly over Meme's attitude. Anytime we'd get close to her, she's stomp her feet. Dean came in the house one day and said,

"Carmen...I've decided to name that sheep, Meme!"

"Meme??!!!! How confusing is that???!!! My MOM is Meme!"

"Yep, I know. And that sheep acts just like her!"

Thus, we named her Meme.

When Luke first started walking, he was ready to go outside. I had taken him on a few "trips" out to the barn to see the animals, and he always got real excited. Now that he's nearly 2, the animals (dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, pigs) are his MAIN interest. So everyday, his Daddy takes him out to the barn when he goes to feed the "pees" and the "peep" (pigs & sheep). Luke is ready for the barn when Dean gets home! I slip his flip-flops on him and they head off through the gate.

Dean always keeps Luke near him, because he's told me before that while Meme stomps at us and may bend her head towards us (like she's gonna let us have it), she's normally harmless...just wants some sweet feed or a treat...but that she would hurt Luke.

Yesterday, Dean asked me to come with them to go feed. He was gathering corn stalks from the dried-up garden to feed to the pigs (and the sheep love them, too). Dean gave me some corn for the chickens, and Luke & I went into their pen and threw it out for them. We came out and Dean was gathering eggs. We walked around to the back of the barn, and were pulling branches gently lower so that the sheep could eat some leaves from the tree. Luke was standing there with us, when all of the sudden, Meme lowered her head and hit him! Dean immediately grabbed Luke up (Luke was screaming) to check him, then gave Luke to me and took off after Meme. He was MAD! Luke & I came back to the house, where I checked him out and cleaned him up a bit. (He's watching Elmo, in the pics)
Then I spent the next few hours crying.
We came close to having a very seriously injured little boy. I just praise God that He protected Luke, and that the damage was limited to an ugly bruise on his forehead, a big bruise on his chin, 2 or 3 little cuts on his head, and a busted lip. Meme could have killed him.

Incidents like that make you realize all the more how precious life is and how delicate it can be for our little ones.
Luke is doing fine. He's running around into everything, like normal. Meme was put in her stall and Dean has plans to either sell her or slaughter her for meat. All in all, a good turnout for what could have been a tragedy.

I think we'll name the next sheep...Papaw.

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