Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nothing More Than Feelings...

Sometimes I wonder if the sunshine will ever come out. There are days, and even weeks when I feel as though it's gone forever.

Key word: feel

Most of the precious people I know would likely be surprised at some of the feelings I have at times. Feelings of... hopelessness...unworthiness...insecurity...
Ever feel like "the world is out to get you"? How about days or weeks that it seems everything goes wrong? Nothing goes right...

Feelings so strong, that nobody can pull me out of...and only God can chip away at them and
reveal the truth.
Ephesians 4:14 tells us, "Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won't be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth."

This scripture is jOLtinG. It doesn't promise perfection. It doesn't say we won't be challenged. But back up a few verses to what the solution to our feelings is...
Ephesians 4:11..."Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ."

The solution to dealing with feelings that LIE, is to use every available resource that God offers (the knowledge and wisdom of the apostles/prophets/evangelists/pastors/teachers within our church), to draw close together in unity, faith, knowledge of Christ.

Because guess what? If we are unified, and dig into our faith in Christ, and are knowledgeable about the things of God...we can much better believe the truth found in Him, than the lie that we may feel!

Feelings LIE.

God never lies.
His truth is solid. His love cast out fear and doubt. So doesn't it make sense that if we spend time listening to what He says about us...what He says He created us to do...we'd be more likely to believe Him than anyone else?

Thank God for those apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, & teachers whom God gifted to bless others with His truth...and those special words that mean so much.

When at times, we feel like giving up...let us take a deep breath, and spare a few moments to let His truth seep into our very bones. He'll embrace our spirit...refresh our soul...and bring us peace.
And that's no lie.

Friday, February 11, 2011

New Life Awaits!

It's been a long time. And despite my promises to try...I haven't been very good at blogging over the past year. My heart still gets full. And I still want what God allows in my heart and life to be a blessing to others, so I'll keep blogging.
My last blog found it's way on here from Winston Salem, NC. So I'll update from there.
After a 6 month battle with lung cancer, I am happy to say that Ma struggles NO MORE!!!!! She officially was made PeRfEcT on November 2nd, 2010, by waking up to stand before her Lord. While this has been so difficult for my family, I have no question that if given the opportunity to come back to this earth, she would firmly refuse. Who WOULD want to come back, after spending ONE SECOND in the very presence of our Creator??!!!??
Christmas was a struggle. And we all deal with pain and heartbreak in different ways. My Mother has "latched on" FIERCELY to Ma's dog, Casey. I think at this point, it might kill her if something happened to him. I was ready to "make" something happen to him, after he bit me...purely unprovoked...when the whole family came together at Mom's house to celebrate Christmas together. And that was AFTER Casey almost took my brother's nose off of his face on the 2nd day of our visit. Jonathan had to go to the emergency room, while Casey had to go into order of The Law. And I'm not talking about my law. I'm talking about THE Law. As in blue uniforms. Because Jonathan had to go to the sew-your-face-back-on unit of the hospital, they filed a police report. Casey was in BIG trouble (finally).
Everything turned out well, but Casey won't be making any visits to the Jones household. I'd rather spend my money moving my kids forward in life, rather than having to hold them down on a gurney while some intern attempts to sew their eyeball back in it's socket.

BTW...did I mention that Casey is small enough to put in your purse? He's a Terrier...or Terror, however you want to look at it.

So, we made it through Christmas. And despite our feelings of great loss, we did so with laughter. And of course, MANY tears.

And now it's February. Life goes on. And we're all going on with it.
Ma's birthday is next Tuesday. In earthly numbers, she's 83. In Heaven, she's perfect. No wrinkles. No dentures. No sagging.

No cancer.

No pain.

And I have all ideas, that THIS birthday celebration will be a most incredible event. One that we will mourn.

But one that she will never forget.