Monday, September 29, 2008


Brother Ron preached a motivational sermon yesterday. About marriage. We are starting the "Fireproof" series at church.
I think that no matter how long you've been married, you can't outgrow the wisdom and learning that comes from a good marriage study. Dean and I haven't done a marriage study in a while (I teach and he doesn't want to come to my Ladies-only Sunday School class...?!!!). In listening to the message yesterday, I was thinking,
"'s simple. I need LOVE and Dean needs RESPECT. So...WHO GOES FIRST???!!!!"

Brother Ron taught us something I'd never considered. It's from Ephesians 5:21...

"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

He said that is the FIRST command God gives us in this passage about marriage. The reason I found that verse so interesting is that the ever raging debate on women submitting to their husbands is forever a hot topic. One that I have struggled with through the years. What Brother Ron pointed out about that verse, is that before ANYTHING else, God says for the married man and wife to submit to each other. He explained how the man and wife are EQUAL. That God made us equal. But just as there is a "head" of the church, and a "head" of a company, the man is the "head" of the marriage. The man is the leader. He leads...he doesn't beat the wife into submission or make decisions just because he can. He's the leader. And I can tell you something about leaders...good leaders never ask something of their charges that they aren't willing to do themselves.

Bro Ron also said that even though Christ and God are equal and in essence, the same...Christ was submissive to God's plan for saving His people.

Back to my original question.

WHO GOES FIRST? When you're in an argument and can't even remember what you were arguing about to begin with...who does the right thing first? When you feel neglected as a wife or a husband feels disrespected...who makes the first step towards correcting the problem?

I'm not sure if Brother Ron actually put this into words, but I'm gonna say it...
If the husband is the head of the marriage (and he is), then he is also in charge of "going first"!!!

He's the one who has to stop and make sense of where things are in the marriage and home...FIRST. HOWEVER, Ladies...there is a huge difference in the man being "head" of the household, and Christ being "head" of the church. Christ has never and will never make mistakes. Our husbands (have &) will TOTALLY screw things up!!! WHY? Because they aren't perfect, like our Christ is! Therefore, you can't expect your husband to be perfect when God says NOBODY is perfect.
It's like being a Mom. God gave you these great kids, right? You're the charge...the "head" of your crew of kids. Does that mean that you ALWAYS get it right? HA! Truth be known, so many of us feel guilty because as Moms, we screw up constantly. So why lay the same expectation on your husband that you can't fulfill yourself?

Yes, I know our men can be unreasonable. I know they can be ugly and complain about how much we eat and how much we weigh. I know they need and want sex sometimes without considering that we need and want to be held. I know the TV moves them more than your nightie does sometimes. I know they fail to do housework, and they fail to help with the kids. When somebody is sick at 3am, our men sleep while we get up and take care of the mess. I know all that.
Before I go further, I must give credit where it's due. My husband helps around the house. He helps with the kids. He holds me and rubs my hair. And he's not that in to the tv. And even though there are times I want to hit him in the head with a frying pan, I love him more than I can describe and we have a good marriage relationship. He definitely has his faults, but they generally don't lie in these areas.

Think about yourself as a Mom...a wife...a friend. Do you have faults? When was the last time you chose your favorite show over reading a book to your child? When was the last time your child sat at the table and ate with their bro/sissy or by themselves? Do they know about Jesus? Girls, while it is the responsibilities of both parents to interact with their children, MOMS generally have the heavier duty. Let me ask you this...when's the last time you had a "special night" with your man? When's the last time you chose the computer or tv over talking to God or reading His Word? You can't blame ANY of that on your husband. No matter what...your relationship with God is YOUR responsibility!

I can tell you some real "faulty" things about Dean. He wears his boots on the carpet. He throws his dirties on the floor. His idea of love is for me to keep the house sparkling clean...which I work hard to do, but not necessarily for love (?!). When he gets frustrated, he yells. He has little patience. And when he's tired, he's almost impossible.

But honestly...I've got more hang-ups than the phone company, so I can't complain!
Dean is a hard worker who is loyal to God and his family. He's faithful. He doesn't sit around talking about the solution to a problem...he just DOES it. He clears the kids out every Sunday afternoon, so I can watch football all day long. He pitches in with the dishes sometimes. He is always looking to present different experiences to our kids (sheep/chickens/pigs/gardening/ name it!). Dean is a giver. And he typically doesn't require a "given" for his giving. He loves God...feels unworthy of his blessings...and works hard to let God know how much he appreciates those blessings.

There are so many other things that I could tell you about Dean...on both sides. The point of this blog is TOTALLY not to glorify Dean, myself, or our marriage.
Heaven knows in a year of dating and 13 years of marriage, where we are now has been a progression.

The point of this blog is for you to have a better understanding of God's plan for marriage. Not YOUR plan. Marriage involves equality and a mutual submission. It involves love and respect. And the most important thing about marriage is your relationship with God. After all...He invented marriage. And wouldn't you want to know the plan for marriage from the Creator of marriage?

I hope that you'll check out the new movie "Fireproof". It's a Godly perspective on marriage, in an exciting movie format. And no matter how long you've been married or how old you are, God is STILL the only One who knows everything.

Monday, September 22, 2008

So...what ABOUT Cain and Abel???

Brother Ron (our pastor) was preaching yesterday about anger. He used the story of Cain & Abel to illustrate how anger gets out of control and destroys lives. But more specifically...he pointed out how Cain didn't give God his best.
Cain gave God his leftovers.

Why is that? Why do we offer anything less than our best to God?'s our old pal, SELF.
Cain was so very sorry...for getting caught. There's a difference between being sorry because you did something wrong, and just being sorry that you've been found out.
Cain was all about self.
He gave up so much because his heart wasn't humble and repentant. He gave up so much to satisfy self.

How much do you give up to satisfy self?

Time with your husband? Time with your kids? A phone call to your parents? Lunch with a friend? Dinner with the girls?

Quiet time with God?

While passing up time with your husband, kids, parents, & friends only hurts momentarily, in the long run, it causes irrepairable damage. You look back on 20 years worth of memories of...yourself. The missed opportunities cause regret. And your loved ones perspectives will never be what you would have wanted. Let's face it folks...the closeness that God intended for you to have with those He surrounded you with on this Earth, simply won't exist if you're not willing to give up self.

Look at Cain...

In verse 8, Cain killed his brother. In verse 9, Cain got snooty with God. In verse 10, Cain refuses to acknowledge to God his anger (for the 2nd time). And in verse 13, only after God has revealed how pathetic Cain's life will be, Cain whines. He doesn't apologize to The Father...he whines. He doesn't see the error of his ways...he only sees the misery his actions will bestow on him. Sorry? Nope. Satisfied? Never. Selfish? Always.

Are you like Cain?

I sure hope not! I hope that you can see past the end of your nose! I hope that you realize to sin against God is not a good idea. Even more, I want you to do a heart check on your attitude and respect for His plan and Authority in your life.

Understand that God doesn't require our best attitude and efforts in an attempt to make us unhappy. He doesn't ask us why we think we have the right to be angry over something that He's allowed...just to point out his Authority over us. The truth is...He doesn't want us to miss out on life. He KNOWS where self will lead us. He KNOWS our heart will fail if we don't walk with Him. He KNOWS anger doesn't change things. And He knows how easily self convinces us that our own needs and desire are more important than our well-being. See...out of all the people that self hurts, it is the most harmful

The next time that God asks you what the heck you're thinking...or He warns you that the way you're heading isn't'd do yourself a favor by listening to Him.

And throw the leftovers to the dogs.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I know it's late, but I have to blog just a bit about our MOPS meeting tonight! Our Father was honored tonight by what took place there!

God's heart was blessed, I'm sure of it!

The fellowship, the fun, the inspiration, the music, the food, the craft...everything was incredible! We had a good crowd of Mommies there, too!

God told me a few weeks back that our MOPS group was going to be about content this year...not numbers. Last year was a fantastic year for our MOPS at Grace Mommies! But God is blessing this year, too, and it's going to be a huge blessing for all who participate!!!! I truly have a desire to see these precious Moms grow in their walk with Christ. And if they don't have a relationship with Him, I pray that they come to know Him this year, as we minister to the MOPS Mommies.

God doesn't mess around, folks! When your heart is right, He'll bless your actions in a big way.

Our Leadership Team is TO DIE FOR!!! I'm amazed...just amazed. I was commenting to several friends tonight about how much our Team has matured. And I'm not speaking about maturity in the sense of acting like a child. I'm talking about how confident and settled these Ladies are in what they've been called to do this year. Everyone works so well's ridiculous sometimes! A holy kind of ridiculous!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! Our team is committed to praying for the MOPS Mommies this year, and for each other. It's an incredible support for us all.

I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me...a sinner, condemned, unclean.

How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be!!!!
How marvelous!
How wonderful is my Saviors love for me...

Luke VS Meme (the sheep)

Last night we had a real scare. My adorable 21 month old Thomas Luke received a head-butt to the back from our 125lb sheep (Meme). I felt a change in perspective like I've never known!

We've had Meme for a year or so. We were so amazed when we purchased her, because we've never had a sheep before and didn't know really what to expect. God's handiwork is...amazing! We laughed ourselves silly over Meme's attitude. Anytime we'd get close to her, she's stomp her feet. Dean came in the house one day and said,

"Carmen...I've decided to name that sheep, Meme!"

"Meme??!!!! How confusing is that???!!! My MOM is Meme!"

"Yep, I know. And that sheep acts just like her!"

Thus, we named her Meme.

When Luke first started walking, he was ready to go outside. I had taken him on a few "trips" out to the barn to see the animals, and he always got real excited. Now that he's nearly 2, the animals (dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, pigs) are his MAIN interest. So everyday, his Daddy takes him out to the barn when he goes to feed the "pees" and the "peep" (pigs & sheep). Luke is ready for the barn when Dean gets home! I slip his flip-flops on him and they head off through the gate.

Dean always keeps Luke near him, because he's told me before that while Meme stomps at us and may bend her head towards us (like she's gonna let us have it), she's normally harmless...just wants some sweet feed or a treat...but that she would hurt Luke.

Yesterday, Dean asked me to come with them to go feed. He was gathering corn stalks from the dried-up garden to feed to the pigs (and the sheep love them, too). Dean gave me some corn for the chickens, and Luke & I went into their pen and threw it out for them. We came out and Dean was gathering eggs. We walked around to the back of the barn, and were pulling branches gently lower so that the sheep could eat some leaves from the tree. Luke was standing there with us, when all of the sudden, Meme lowered her head and hit him! Dean immediately grabbed Luke up (Luke was screaming) to check him, then gave Luke to me and took off after Meme. He was MAD! Luke & I came back to the house, where I checked him out and cleaned him up a bit. (He's watching Elmo, in the pics)
Then I spent the next few hours crying.
We came close to having a very seriously injured little boy. I just praise God that He protected Luke, and that the damage was limited to an ugly bruise on his forehead, a big bruise on his chin, 2 or 3 little cuts on his head, and a busted lip. Meme could have killed him.

Incidents like that make you realize all the more how precious life is and how delicate it can be for our little ones.
Luke is doing fine. He's running around into everything, like normal. Meme was put in her stall and Dean has plans to either sell her or slaughter her for meat. All in all, a good turnout for what could have been a tragedy.

I think we'll name the next sheep...Papaw.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Oh BOY!!!! And I do mean BOY!
Lukie pookie & I have ventured outside the past couple of days, due to the cooler weather. I LOVE IT!!! He chases the cats and tries to follow them under the Excursion where they hide. He runs after the bigger bugs that fly above the grass, trying to catch them. And his yummy little lips form an "o" when he hears a vehicle crank up somewhere in the valley.
And today, he snuck behind the bushes beside the garage and crawled up on Daddy & Tyler's lawn mower. When he "disappeared", I walked around the side of the house, and when I got there, he was "driving"!!!
It's positively BLISSFUL!!!

I love this time of year. The fall season is my favorite one, and it ushers in many of my favorite things along with it...
NFL Football (Carolina Panthers fan 'til I die!)...and BTW, when they took away our Monday Night Football and put it on cable, I wanted to burn down the cable building!
Apple pie
The crisp fall air
The smell of a bonfire
Burning candles

Sleeping with the windows open
Cooler weather
My warm zebra blanket
A good book
Pulling out my fall sweaters
Enjoying a good cup of coffee
while sitting on the porch with Dean

I could go on and on...isn't God good???!!!

I wonder what God's favorite season is?

I know He enjoys them all, but does He have a favorite? He doesn't have a favorite person, because the Bible says He loves us all the same.
But does He have a favorite season? A favorite sport?
A favorite kind of pie?

You know that our favorites are only for us to enjoy in this life, don't you? In learning more about God as the years pass, I realize that mostly what I know about Him is spiritual. And yet...He gave out talent and gifts. He created the cycle of the seasons, which I love so much. He created music that tugs at my heart and worship that makes me draw near to Him. He's the one who put the flavor in my apple pie and cup of coffee. He's the one who made all those gorgeous fall colors. And He's the one who changes the air.

So does He love all cups of coffee the same? Or does He like the Folgers Carmel Drizzle best? Does God secretly harbor an obsession for football? And would He buy stadium seats to attend the games? Does He ever curl up on a snowy day with His own zebra blanket and a good book? I wonder.

Does God also enjoy the favorite things that He created for us to enjoy?

I'll see Him someday and ask Him. That is if I'm not so overwhelmed by His holiness that I can't speak. In that case, I guess I'd call on another favorite...

a falling into a deep sleep.
Did I mention that I love afternoon naps?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Speaking of Peace PART 2 & 3 & 4!!!!

In February of 2002, just 3 short months before I was to give birth to my 4th child, my beloved Papaw died.It was hard. Hard for the whole family. I may have taken it harder than anyone. Add his death to the stress I was carrying over my baby, and it was heart wrenching.
In his eyes, being the only granddaughter and 8 years ahead of two of the grandsons, and about 10 years ahead of the third grandson, MEANT something! In fact, he and my Grandma doted on me as if I was another one of their kids. My Mom, Aunt Debbie, Grandma, and I used to joke about what my cut of the inheritance would be!
Growing up, I didn't get to see my Grandparents like I wanted to. I usually saw them over the holidays and maybe a couple of times during the summer. And every now & then, there would be an extra trip (either from them to us or us to them) thrown in. I always loved my time with them.
Days spent with my Grandma always included stories about my Mom, Mike, and Debbie when they were growing up. She was so good at telling me the history of her childhood and describing what it was like during the war and how things were "back then" (she still is!!!). We would talk about all kinds of things. We would go to their cabin in the mountains for a weekend. And there were a couple of summers that Papaw took us to Florida. On one of those trips, my Aunt Debbie (who is 10 years older than I) gave me a bloody nose!
Times with Papaw always included singing inspiring songs like "Barnacle Bill the Sailor" while he & I swung in the hammock. Eating cheese & crackers out on the screened in porch before bedtime. Playing games...his favorite was "Belt-Snicker", which was a "thing" that would "get us" after dark. He'd sit on the front patio while us kids played hide & seek, and watch out for the Belt Snicker. We had no doubt that there was one, and that it would get us if we weren't careful.
Grandma always bought me new shoes. Papaw would pay me for mowing his grass. Trips to the beach... many I couldn't possibly name them all here. Those memories bring peace. .
One of my long-time memories was praying for my Grandparents, Uncle Mike, and Aunt Debbie. I remember praying for them as a child, and have continued to pray for them through the course of my life.
I never knew if they knew the truth about God. And that always bothered me. After all...don't we want our family to celebrate in Heaven with us someday? I sure did! And on my own...I prayed that they would each come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
On the day my Papaw died, I was heartsick. I knew it was coming, he had suffered with Alzheimer's for about 6 months. He had gone downhill fast in the previous few weeks.
But none of that prepared me for the hurting I felt the day he died.
The finality of death is an ugly intrusion to your heart.

And your hope. Especially your hope.

I knew I had prayed for years for salvation to come for these people that I love so much. But I wasn't sure. My Mom had told me about a time 2 years earlier, when Papaw was in the hospital, in which she had talked to him about Christ. She said that he accepted Christ as his Savior that day she visited him in the hospital. Knowing how badly my Mom wanted that, I wasn't sure that it wasn't just wishful I continued to pray. And worry.
When my Grandma, Mom, & Dad got back to the house that evening after Papaw died, something super-natural had happened.
Here is my Mother's account of that evening...I could never tell it as well as she...
"My dad had an antique clock that he just loved. It still sits on the mantle at their house. It's an old 8-day wind-up clock - huge thing that is key-wound counter-clockwise. He accepted it as payment from an old black man who couldn't pay his insurance premium, and the clock had been in a house fire and one corner had been burned. Of course it didn't run anymore - it was about to be pitched. Dad took it as payment and he paid the man's insurance. Restored the clock and the rest is history. I've watched my parents wind that old thing with the key - backwards - for most of my life.
Dad was in the hospital fighting for his life (congestive heart failure) when I made a quick Sunday morning trip to Winston-Salem, unannounced - the year before he died. We planned his funeral - he wanted to do that and felt no one would listen to him.... and then afterward, as God would have it, I led him to Jesus right there in his hospital room. Just he and I there, and the Lord.When daddy was dying a year later, I spent the last 72 hours of his life by his bed... never closed my eyes... the family would go home to rest at night but I stayed and sang to him, quoted scripture to him, prayed with him... held his hand... reassured him of the commitment he had made to Christ.... talked about heaven.... I'm saying all of this to say that God KNEW MY HEART.... and when daddy died, I was holding the bottom of HIS heart in my hand - I literally felt his heart beat its last beat and knew he was gone - the time was 2:42 in the afternoon of Feb. 16, 2002.
I was devastated, and I was a walking zombie - No sleep for 72 hours alone would do that, but there was so much more to it than no sleep. Again, God knew my heart.We made it back to my mother's house and as we were walking through the den, someone looked up and the old clock had stopped at exactly the moment dad had died. I was weary but God had a window to speak His truth to me while I was looking at that old clock..... "Your daddy is with Me"....... and it hit - Proverbs 21:1 - it even applied to how many backward cranks my mom had given that clock the last time she wound it before Daddy died.... she stopped at the precise place that would allow that clock to run down at the very minute its owner died. He is a God of detail and He will go to all lengths to make His word come alive if we're paying attention."

When my Dad called me to tell me about the clock, I nearly passed out with relief. And what was so incredible about it, was that I wasn't looking for God to speak to me concerning Papaw's salvation. But God DID speak to me. When Dad called...he told me about the clock and then asked what I was thinking. My immediate response was, "God has him! God has Papaw, and is reassuring us that He does!!!". And I experienced such an incredible peace about my Papaw, that I know to this day. All those years of praying...all those heartfelt pleads with the Lord did not go unanswered.

Peace, peace, incredible peace.

I still pray for my family. Even though I rarely get to see my Grandma (better known as "Ma", due to the GREAT-grandchildren!!!!), and my Aunt Debbie (and uncle Jim!)...they are so close to my heart.

We are preparing ourselves to go on a beach trip next month. Yep...ALL of us! They'll be 7 of my crew, my brother, my parents, my aunt & uncle, and my Ma. It's a first for us. I think we're going to have such an incredible time, that we'll be kicking ourselves for not having done this before.

I bet we'll experience so much peace while we're there. Watching my own children sit in the sand while the ocean creeps up to them is so peaceful. We'll have enough laughter going on, that we'll ALL have to change underpants (laughter's always a given w/this crowd!). We'll laugh about those times that we spent with Papaw, down by the seashore. We'll laugh at how "worked up" Debbie gets over her crazy neighbors. We'll laugh over Luke's brand of entertainment. And we'll be at peace.

Oh...and by-the-way...that 4th child?

Her name is Scarlett Bay Jones.
And she's 100% healthy.

God was faithful...He IS faithful. Scarlett is brilliant. In fact, she's top of her class. And it's because God made her that way. And we will forever be thankful and yes, AMAZED by His mercies and blessings on our family.

Sitting by the ocean...with the gentle breeze blowing. The rustle of the water as it shakes hands with the sand. And the big white puffy clouds, as they lazily float by...on to their next appointed place.

Speaking of Peace...

Isn't that what we ultimately want?

When that relationship that we want to work so badly...doesn't.

When we wanted so much for our child to choose a good education over a mediocre job...and they didn't.

When we want a certain amount of money to go into a project or ministry...and it isn't there.

When we want a slice of pecan pie from a favorite restaurant, but all they have left is cherry pie...which you hate.


It's most definitely what makes my life bearable in the moments that I think I can't take another smarty response from one of my kids. Or when I come upon some huge mess that one of my precious children has left behind. And when I have a busy week in which I've got so many errands to run that I want to just give up, not doing ONE of them!

God's peace.

The kind that passes all understanding.

Guess where it comes from? GOD! How can you obtain it? By spending time with Him!

This morning, as my girls were watching a video in the mudroom/office area, I decided to sit outside and wait on my friend Erica (we carpool) to arrive. It's her week to drop the kids off at school in the morning.
As I enjoyed the morning, I was moved to grab my camera. How do you capture peace on a camera?!!! It was incredibly peaceful. A soft breeze was blowing. The leaves rustled gently on the trees. The puffy clouds rolled by...on to their next appointed place. And in the cool of the morning, I was at peace. And because it's God's peace, I'm still enjoying it!

God's peace is reassuring. God's peace is lasting. God's peace is what our soul longs for. And nothing can ever measure up to that peace. His peace brings us to a state of mind that nothing else can.

When I was pregnant with Scarlett, I desperately needed His peace. I've needed it many times in my life. In fact, I need it everyday. And He doesn't disappoint me, if I settle down and listen to Him.
Back to Scarlett...

After taking the tests that you go through somewhere in week # 16 (specifically known as the "AFP" test), you will only receive a call from the DR's office if there is a problem. Back in 2002, that 16th week was ushering in the Christmas season. My DR called to inform me that one of the test had come back with devastating results. Scarlett most likely suffered from Down's Syndrome. I hung up the phone in complete shock. Then came the despair over realizing that my baby might not be normal. Over the next 5 months, I suffered in heartache. We chose not to take an amniocentesis (one of the most accurate tests to determine if there is a problem with the fetus), because the risk of miscarriage was higher than we were willing to risk.
Over the course of that pregnancy, when I would be so overwhelmed with heartache (and believe does feel like your heart is breaking), my Lord was always there to comfort me. The peace would come in various Pastor, Dr. Joe Brown, would arrive at the North campus of Hickory Grove Baptist Church (where I worked), and would greet people...coming over to me to take my hand, lay his forehead on my shoulder and pray. Friends would encourage me with prayer, and one day, my Sherry even told me that if anyone could handle raising a baby with Downs, it was me. Nobody ever made light of the situation, but they did encourage me. Through their prayers and words,

God brought me peace.

During that pregnancy, I also experienced a different heartache...

part 2 coming up...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Dyson Therapy

I told my beloved husband this morning about my latest discovery.
Vacuuming is one of the most peaceful things to me.His response? "That's because it's mindless".

"NO, honey. I really mean it. You DO have to think about vacuuming!'s instant gratification."

I won't even quote him on his response to that!

It's true, though. I have fallen in love with my Dyson. When I feel overwhelmed, or need to make sense of something, or am needing to organize/straighten, etc., my Dyson helps me. It's therapy! I know what you're thinking...vacuuming is WORK, and there's nothing soothing about it. I beg to differ! When I vacuum, I control where my Dyson goes. I can "fix" the carpet's problem of not laying the correct way. I can get those crumbs. I can leave neat lines in the carpet. All of which is in MY's true. I'm a sometimes control FREAK, and a woman who struggles to have control over experiencing unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that can prompt me to carry out repeated actions (compulsions) to reduce the anxiety produced by those thoughts. And it absolutely drives me CRAZY!!! And I'm MEDICATED!!! So what about the 2.2 million adults per year that don't know they NEED medication???!!! I feel sorry for them. Are they like me? Working at the consignment sale, I counted my money draw 6 times. SIX TIMES!!!!! At home, I vacuum everyday. EVERYDAY!!!! And guess what??!!! I really think that my carpet needs to be vacuumed everyday. It REALLY does. Which leads me back to my Dyson.Do you know people who get their anxiety and stress out by exercising? I am NOT one of those people. I walk on my treadmill because my REAR is too big. Not to alleviate stress. It probably helps (the DR said it would), but I'd rather blog or vacuum to relieve my stress. And what stress? You may ask. After all, I'm at home ALL DAY with only ONE of my FIVE kids! This is a piece of cake, right? WRONG! That ONE KID keeps me hoppin'! He's in to everything! I don't want to take him out in public, because then my exercise will consist of chasing him around. home, I can lock the doors and he can run all he wants to, while I vacuum. What about when he takes his 2 hour nap? say. Well...that's my blog time. Or my quiet time.

Quiet time?
You actually get one of those? Yep. If I don't, there's nothing on the planet that will help my stress or anxiety. If I don't kneel before my God, I'll never be able to handle the fact that my Senior in high school's grades are awful. Or the fact that my pre-teen has a bad attitude. Or that I have 3 younger kids who are still kids...still act like kids...squeal and play like kids.

My God.

He is THE answer to everything. Every itch I have. Whether I feel strong or weak. Whether I succeed or fail. He is THE plan. For ability to be a Mom. Can I get real honest with y'all?

I can't breath without Him.

And I'm so glad that He has promised that He'll never leave me (Hebrews 13:5). He has promised that He'll never give me a situation or circumstance that I can't deal with or that He won't show me how to resolve (1 Corinthians 10:13). He has promised to prosper me (Proverbs 28:25) (Jeremiah 29:11). He gives me hope (Isaiah 40:31) (Jeremiah 29:11).
Guess what? Medicine for ANYTHING is useless without God. He's the great Inventor, He's the great Physician. And no matter how good your physical body feels, your soul will never be satisfied with anything less than a personal relationship with Him.

My Dyson is great at sucking up dirt and making the carpet look pretty. Vacuuming is a temporary "fix" for me to feel better and less stressed. But the only true sanity and restoration is achieved by God's ability to suck out the dirt that the devil throws at us, and replace it with His truth.
So while you vacuum your carpet...don't forget to vacuum your heart.
And we'll talk about my control issues later...