Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mindless Blog-Another Friendship Survey

You may know that I love filling out these silly surveys! If you've ever sent one to probably listed "Carmen" beside the question that asked who would respond the quickest...or who would respond at all!!!! I think it's sooooo interesting to read these about my friends. I've learned things about people that I've been friends with for YEARS by reading these things! This ones for Lisa (would this be considered a homework assignment for Logan & Nolan?)...

I hope you enjoy a mindless blog for a change!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!

Another Friendship Survey

1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing?
yes...what's odd about that?

2. Do you own a gun?
nope...but Dean has a government stock of them, so don't drop your toe off onto our property...HAHAHAH!!! Okay, I'm kidding...

3. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks?
The Mac Daddy Peppermint Mocha (and a molasses cookie)

4. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

5. Do you do
push ups? Are you smokin' something???? Too much exercise KILLS!!!

6. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
My diamond's really big and leaves a mark...

7. Favorite hobby?
Reading, reading, reading, reading, reading, did I say I love reading????

8. Do you have A.D.D?
To hear my husband tell it...

9. What's one trait that you hate about yourself?
My ability to consume large amounts of food without being hungry.

10. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
This survey is so mindless and frivolous that it's funny, my arms are cold, I need a nap

11. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink.
Coffee, water, coffee, water

12. Current worry right now?
That I'll be overweight the rest of my life.

13. Current hate right now?
That I'm overweight.

14. Favorite place to be?
at home

15. Do you like to travel?
Not if carpooling to school in my pajamas every morning constitutes as "traveling"

16. What color shirt are you wearing?
Royal blue zip jacket

17. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I'm in a coma on satin sheets

18. Can you whistle?

19. Favorite color?
any shade of green

20. If you could, would you be a pirate?
depends on how much money I'd make

21. What song do you sing in the shower?
You get to bathe?

22. Favorite girl's name?
SumVannaScarletta, of course! I know it's a mouthful, but hey...

23. Favorite boy's name?

24. What's in your pocket right now?

25. Favorite bedsheets as a child?
Children are supposed to have bed sheets????

26. Worst injury?
oh yes...the time I turned on the intercom during baccalaureate at my Dad's high school...worse beatin' I ever got!

27. Do you love where you live?

28. How many TVs do you have in your house?

29. Who is your loudest friend?
Actually I have, myself, & I

30. How many pets do you have?
Do children count...okay then...14

31. Does someone have a crush on you?
Yep...the greasy Walmart clerk in Halls

32. What is your Favorite Book?
How to raise your kids without snuffing out their life...okay/okay...I'm joking. Ha, ha.

33. What's your favorite candy?
Kit Kat/3 musketeers

34. Favorite Sports Team?
CAROLINA PANTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

35. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
My body hurts...

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