Friday, November 21, 2008

Coffee, Anyone?

The most amazing thing happened yesterday.

Luke discovered coffee.

In a big...messy way.

And when he gets into something, he really gets into it!

A little bit like his Mother.

I've "discovered" more messes in my life than the average bear. Some have been easy cleanups and some haven't. Some have taught me valuable lessons, and others have taught me invaluable lessons. I'm so glad that God has not given up on me! Isn't that what we long for? Someone who will accept us for who we are, where we are, and make sense out of our mess...? Someone who loves us unconditionally, but refuses to allow our weaknesses to overtake us? Well, guess who that is..?!?


Just like my wonderful and relaxing side kick, Dyson, helped me make sense of Lukie baby's coffee discovery mess, God helps us make sense of life. And it's glorious surprises. And it's scummy disappointments. And just like I refrained from giving Luke his first serious butt-burning (he's only 23 months, after all!), God refrains from taking His majestic hand and rubbing us from existence. Not only does He NOT give us what we deserve, but He teaches us valuable lessons along the way, and gives us opportunities to "get it right".

I love my God!!! It's nothing short of a miracle that He could change the heart AND attitude of one like me.

God totally wants us to let go of our issues and let Him do His business. Remember...our weakness will be made strong in Him. Our problems are NO MATCH for God.

So the coffee was no match for Dyson! He made small work out of a big mess. I'm so glad I have him for a friend.

Even if he IS only a vacuum cleaner.

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