Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Are Friends For, Anyway?

This blog is about friends. Not about the road to friendship, or the challenges OF a friendship.

It's about true friends caring about friends.
It's about carrying each other's burdens.

In the book of Job, it shows us some things about friends. Think about the reaction that Job's friends had when they learned of his devastation. "Now when Job's three friends-Eli/Bil/Zo, heard about all this adversity that had happened to him, each of them came from his home. They met together to go and offer sympathy and comfort to him. When they looked from a distance, they could barely recognize him. They wept aloud, and each man tore his robe and threw dust into the air and on his head. They they sat on the ground with him seven days and nights, but no one spoke a word to him because they saw that his suffering was very intense." Job 2:11-13...Do you have friends who would do that for you? Obviously, these friends of Job's were dedicated and loyal. They hurt for and with their friend, Job. And that is admirable. BUT...his 3 friends did not point him back to God. Instead, they berated him for what he must have surely done wrong to deserve this. As Job repeatedly tells them that he has done nothing to deserve this punishment from God, his friends are insistant that whatever sin Job has committed is the only explanation. In essence, his 3 friends did not listen to him. They didn't explore any other possibility for God allowing this to happen, except by some sin that Job supposedly committed against God. They were quick to judge the situation without fully understanding Job's relationship with God. Do you have friends like that?
Some friends experience suffering right along with you. Some friends experience the suffering, but remind you that God is the answer....that there is a solution...but you must remember what God has taught you and how He has been there for you in the past.
Friends mean well, for the most part. But like Job, we search for a friend who will listen and point us back to the only answer that will ever truly satisfy and heal...which is Christ.
Do you have friends that point you back to Christ?
We're not "lone rangers" in the tribulations that we experience in life. God gave us friends who know us and know Him, to help carry the load and give you perspective when you desperately need it.
I can name friends, outside of my family, who've been there for me in my darkest hours. To suffer with me...and to go before the throne on my behalf.
Friends with whom I've shared the deepest thoughts.
Times when I wasn't sure what God was doing, but they were faithful to point me back to Him.
Some of which, I don't have pictures of.
Are you a friend like that?
YOU are there to point your friends back to Christ, as they point YOU back to Christ.

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