Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Maytag Man Must Be Tired...

My feet touched the floor at 6:28am this morning. Even when the kids are out of school, I try to get up around that time because if I sleep in, I'm tired all day long. I trudged into the bathroom, in a fog. After brushing my teeth, I heard my wonderful hubby say, "Oh NOoooo!". He had walked downstairs to prepare to leave for work.

And encountered a lake...right inside our house!

Okay...maybe lake is an exaggeration. But we've sloshed through that swamp more than a few times! Our washing machine, a Maytag (which is supposed to be good), had dumped water out all over the carpet, YET AGAIN.
That's happened about 4 or 5 times over the past few years. We've had the glorious Maytag repaired twice, but it still isn't the awesome little machine that Maytag has always claimed (the commercials w/the repairman having nothing to do because the washing machine runs so well that it rarely needs repair...HA!...HA-HA!!!). And did I mention that the thing is so loud, I'm sure it "wakes the dead"?!

I think the Maytag Man must be exhausted.

Rich, maybe.

But exhausted.
(our "top-of-the-line" Maytag)
(the "Atlantis" is supposed to handle an ocean of water, right?!!! All while operating as quiet as a mouse...)
I certainly am! What's the point in having a washing machine that dumps gallons of water all over your carpet (thank the Lord there's concrete underneath!!!!)? The point would definitely NOT be for my washing machine to clean my carpet...
I guess it makes about as much sense
as knowing the secret to the universe,
but keeping it to yourself.

You heard me.

Do I know the secret to the universe? But I do know the only way to the truth and fulfilling life that we desperately long for. And it has nothing to do with the Maytag man. It has everything to do with...

The Creator.

And guess what The Creator wants us to do when we know the truth? Dump gallons of truth all over your loved ones...and shower everyone you come in contact with.

While we cringe at the thought of having to suck up that lake of water that our washing machine has dumped out, we should be able to swim in the truth of God and shower everyone else with His love! Now that doesn't mean cramming the gospel down people's throat. Jesus didn't beat anyone over the head with a Bible!!! But it does mean that in everything we everything we say...we should honor Him to the point that others see a difference in our life.

A recent survey of "Christians" revealed that only 3 out of 10 parents incorporate God into the daily lives of their children. THREE out of TEN? Do you know what God says about teaching your kids about Him?
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6, 5-9

God says put all your heart, soul, and strength into loving Him! He says talk to your kids about the things of God when you're at home, when you're on the go, when you prepare for bedtime and when morning comes. He says make His commands obviously important in your life and in your home!

What's more obvious than a lake inside your house?

A life in which you're putting amazing effort
into loving God. A home in which your children
know about the things of God and the incredible grace
that He's extended to your family.
Do you splash your faith on others? We should all strive for the kind of relationship with Christ that gets others wet when they come around us. Maybe not soaked...but at the very least, wet.

We'll leave the soaking to the Maytag...


Connie said...

OH NO just doesn't seem to say it all. That's got to be hard on the carpet. Seems to me Maytag should be responsible for more then just the repair of the machine. You're welcome to come over and use mine anytime.

Trendy Cyndi said...

WOW! What a way to wake up! You are welcome to come over and use my washing machine! Spring Break means that I am taking a break from everything - including laundry. I will definitely pay for it next week!
I love your perspective on getting others "wet" with our love for Jesus - as long as we don't soak their carpet, right?