Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lola Ruth (Grandma and Ma)

(Ma w/Tyler in Dec. '90)
Today is Ma's birthday.
(Ma at Holden Beach in Oct '08)
She is 81.
(Ma w/baby Summerlyn in March '98)
What do YOU think an 81 year old woman would be like? I can assure you that she's NOTHING like you might imagine!!! My Ma has always taken care of herself. I don't mean that she works out each day or takes a 5 mile hike.

I mean that, in a sense, she's prissy...even 81.
(Ma w/Tyler at her anniversary celebration)
Here are ways that I know my Ma...

Sparkling clean house, perfectly painted fingernails and toenails, hair always done (or in the curler process of being done-HA!), clothes always neat, indulging her grandchildren, thinking ahead, organized, makeup on (except when preparing for bed), packing up to go to the cabin, coffee ready in a blink, saltines in the Premium tin on the bottom shelf, family taken care of, home cared for, good stories, finger pointed, folded down bags of her favorite snack in the upper cabinet (on the left side of the sink), "Be still!!!", chocolate covered cherries (Tyler developed his PASSION for these from her!), expert traveler, mowing grass, Lola "in charge"-HA!!!, floppy beach hat, camera in hand (the "dern thing"!), reading the latest best seller, little toe issues, beautiful wedding rings, lipstick prints on your cheek, lotion-soft hands, "Oh LORD!", laughing until our sides hurt and we cry, "I gotta take a pill!!!", chewing gum/mints, driving her car.
(Ma & Mom at JET's graduation in June '96)
Only a tip of the iceberg, but these things are snippets of the ways we know her! She is truly a remarkable woman. I love to hear her tell stories of her childhood. She was adopted. And she remembers things from when she was very young. Ma can tell you in great detail about life "back then". And you know as you listen to her that it truly was a different world...much simpler and more focused than what we experience today. Her world has always been focused on "Tommy" (my Pa), her family. Her home. Her kids. Her grand-kids. Her great-grand-kids.
(Ma w/toddler Savannah in summer of '01)
She's that woman who has always enjoyed doing things like "spring cleaning" and doing all the work it takes to prepare for guests. Of course now, she'll tell you that she's too old and too tired for all of that, but if she has any energy...she's up doing it!
(Me, Summerlyn, & Ma)
I'm sure my Ma has enjoyed other things over the years. I have a painting hanging in my hall upstairs that she did years ago. She's shown a passion for various things over the years, but never more so than her family, and friends.
(Me, Ma, & Debbie in summer of '01)
As I searched through my pictures, looking for memorable ones of Ma, I noticed something. Most of the pictures I've ever snapped of her are ones where she's doing something. Rarely are there pics of just her face! It's like my Mom said years ago...when you're the one who always takes the pictures, there aren't many pictures of you! It speaks so much to Ma's service to others. For the first 20 plus years of my life, we always had a big Thanksgiving dinner...we always had money & presents at Christmas...we always had special times when we visited my Grandparents. And Ma was a hard worker for her family, in all of that, and still is when she has the opportunity.
(Pa, me & Ma in summer '01)
Everybody is different...grandparents celebrate their time with their grandchildren differently. I was only able to visit with my Grandparents little more than a few times per year while growing up, so the visits were a highlight to my life, not just to my summer or holiday! It was something that I looked forward to for weeks & months, and
Ma did NOT disappoint during my visits!

(Ma & me)
The pics in this blog are again...only a tip of the iceberg. My memories of her reach much further. Look...nobody is perfect, I realize...BUT...for any imperfections my Grandparents have had, the blessings have abounded more so in my life. Their influence and love for me has made a mark on my life. And those of us who are close to Ma, have without a good and bad times...been exposed to lessons and sacrifice that make up a beautiful legacy. We would not be the people we are today, without Ma's touch.
(Pa, me, & Ma 1995)
Lord willing, we will continue to add to our memories and laughter this fall, when we head to Topsail Island on our family vacation. And that touch that Ma has will add to our character even more...HA! We are all looking forward to it!!!


(Ma, Dean, & Luke-Holden Beach-Oct'08)

Today, I praise the Lord that He breathed life into Lola Ruth!

(Having "tea"-Holden Beach-Oct/08)


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