Saturday, October 20, 2012

I'm Valuable

I had a blessed week.  One of my favorite things about God is that He works and blesses you even when your heart feels sad.  Even when you don't feel like lifting a finger.  Even when you aren't impressed with yourself.
I was able to spend time with 2 of my best friends this week.  When able, we all 3 come together and do crazy sleepovers with all of our kids.  And when I say "kids", I mean ALL 11 minus one (Tyler)!!!!!  And sometimes we just get together to play cards...our favs are Hand & Foot, and Phase 10.  It's always so much fun and totally blesses my heart.
I've pondered this week, how do I change how I view myself?  I think that's an interesting question.  A lot of us are probably raised that spending time thinking about yourself or how to improve yourself, in certain ways, is selfish.  And that's true...for some things.  In fact, some may think that because I'm still struggling, I'm being selfish.  I'm realizing that to stop feeling like I'm not very valuable, I'm going to have to take steps to correct that way of thinking.
I know the truth and where it comes from.
Accepting it is far different.  Especially when you've been hurt inside the church.

Truth:  I'm so incredibly valuable that Christ took my punishment, which was death.  And because of my value to Him, He didn't stop there.  He rose from the grave.  I have victory!  I have already won this hurtful battle concerning my self-worth!

Oh, for it to be so easy as just to say it and believe it!  How I would love to snap my fingers and not care about the hurt.

I've got to spend time in His Bible in order to really believe that I'm THAT valuable.  Easier said than done, but for His sake, worth working on.

Today, I'll read one of the many truths that is part of my anatomy as a believer...& begin trusting God A G A I N, and believing.

Lord knows...

Ummm...yes, He does.

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