That's what I think of when I see a picture of Tom Selleck. He's "dreamy". It's my personal opinion that none of these Hollywood "hunks" compare to the REAL DEAL...Tom Selleck.
Did I say that I think Tom Selleck is a HUNK?
Well, I do...and always have. When I was a little girl, my Daddy, Mama, Brother, and I would gather 'round the tv to watch "Magnum PI". It was a family EVENT in our house! And that hour would pass much quicker than I wanted it to! Magnum was always on an adventure...and he most always caught the bad guys. In the process, there was a lot of "tide pool" swimming, Ferrari chases, and laughter...the good 'ole kind of laughter.
Watching TC burn up all his gas, flying Magnum around the island on his newest case. Listening to Rick work up a deal with Magnum on getting information for use in that newest case. And Higgins was a RIOT!!! The show wouldn't have been complete without Higgins and his 2 Doberman's.
It's funny to see what people get "hooked on" in television nowadays. Instead of mysteries to be solved, there are doctors doing surgery. No more of Higgins "proper" behavior, either! The most popular characters on tv seem to be the ones doing the most damage to other people's lives.
What is THAT all about?!!!
I'll always be a fan of Magnum PI, and of Tom Selleck, the actor who portrayed him. Magnum was funny, honest, and sincere. Something grossly lacking in the tv shows of this generation. And before you email me with a list of worthy tv shows, let me ask you a question or two...
Are you listing shows that leave out sex, drugs, and affairs...but promote "righteous" violence? Don't want to hear it. Are you listing shows that encourage helping others...but attach a big name to the "project" in order to promote the big name? Don't care about watching it, then.
Magnum PI wasn't perfect, but it wasn't loaded up with the kind of selfish motivated, sex, violence, "helping others" so-you-can-help-yourself-type shows you might encounter today.
There are a few shows worth watching in the Hollywood world of today...the makeover shows are interesting, and a few of the crime-solving ones are good (sometimes on the violent side, though...depends on which one you're watching). And there is always "The Price Is Right"...!!!
But in my bloggy opinion, Magnum tops ALL of these! It's a show that I'm tickled to share with my teenage son!
There's a VERY short list of those kinds of shows that anybody could create in this day & age!
I know it's just my opinion. But since this is my blog...a place I can state what my opinion is...that's exactly what I'm expressing!
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