and what have I done with them?
"Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance"
I am going to blog each may be a short blog, but I'm going to do it. I want to do something each day to represent the knowledge I'm gaining from the study we're currently in at church.
I asked my sweet Ladies in Sunday School yesterday if they had written anything on their "to do" list. That was the challenge I presented to them from last week. A couple of them had things written down, and we talked about those things.
At this point in the study and in my thinking, I would say that most everything that I would choose to place on my list would be something "small". Things like surprising the kids at school with lunch one day. Or writing a letter to the President.
But definitely a blog a day. In these blogs I share what God presses on my heart to share. And more than anything, I want to bring honor & glory to Him.
If He can use ANYTHING, He can use ME!
"I just want to praise Him...I just want to praise Him"
Yesterday, Brother Ron spoke about passion. Do we live with passion? If we knew we had one month to live, would we be passionate about how we lived it? He also pointed out that we have 23 days left in our 30 day challenge. And he asked us what we had done with the first 7 days.
I really believe that the 30 day challenge is nearly impossible for most people to comprehend. Not because they're dumb or uneducated. Not because they're imbeciles. Rather, because we can't fathom the fact that we're not promised the next breath. We just take for granted that God will leave us here on this Earth to live out a long life. On occasion, we hear of someone dying suddenly. So we think that it only happens occasionally. When in fact, it happens many times each day. That's right! People DIE everyday. People like you and me...who didn't expect to die. So maybe we need to readjust our expectations. Maybe a 30 day challenge is too much time. Maybe we should think about a 7 day challenge.
Maybe we should think about not finishing out today.
Look...I'm not trying to be morbid, and I'm not wanting you to get depressed. But facts are facts, folks. The Bible says our life is like a vapor. The Bible judges our days next to the blink of an eye. And nowhere in the Bible does it say that we're promised 75 years on this planet...or 90 years...or even 30 years. We're not even promised to make it through birth, much less anything beyond that.
I don't know about you, but
I have an extremely hard time wrapping my brain around that.
Maybe we're just too busy to even want to look at the big picture. But that doesn't mean that there isn't one. And for the sake of our kids, our family, our friends...we should cut out the busy stuff and think twice about how fragile life really is.
The obvious focus in the One Month to Live study is for us to do just that...remove the things from our list that don't really matter...the things that God didn't put there...and only do the things that would matter to us if our time were limited. To do the things that God has in His master plan for us.
Here's the "killer"...our time IS limited. And not understanding that truth keeps us chained up to the things that the devil crowds our life with. Things that keep us in bondage...things that God wants us to remove.
"He broke the chains, now I can lift my hands"
And once we really know that truth in our our mind...we can freely move about our life living the way God intended...which is...abundantly.
"And I'm gonna praise Him...I'm gonna praise Him"
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