Yep, Dean came home yesterday and we rode around...hit Waffle House (our old haunt from the dating days)...and then came home. That was nice, considering that as the parents to five kids, we rarely get time alone. I mean, we were given 3 gift cards at Christmas to go to dinner together but have yet to have the time to go.
22 days.
Do I know what "living" is today? Of course!

Over several protests, I called my 5 to my living room (upstairs) to watch the Presidential Inauguration. "Why?" they asked me. I explained to them that it was a historical event that would never happen again. "Why?"...because this is the first time in our nation's history that we've ever elected a black man to be our President. And since my children know that God created black folks and white folks (and red folks, & yellow folks) EQUAL, they didn't blink an eye. Amazing! Here was their "take" on the situation:

Summerlyn: "Why are you making us watch this?" she asked me with much distress, "why can't we go downstairs and watch a movie?"
Savannah: "When is this going to be OVER???!!!???"
Scarlett: Well...she knew better than to EVEN go there!
and Luke just crawled around babbling like usual. Tyler did make it upstairs to watch the actual swearing in of President Obama. I thought it was neat to sit there with all of my little chicks and watch history on tv.
And later...I took Luke to my big 'ole bed for some old fashioned tickling, which he LOVED!
That's my "living" for today!
And what in the world am I thankful for today?
Healthy children. A hardworking husband. A house that accommodates all of us...and that has a living area for the kids to "live" in so we can all be at peace! Heat. Food. Warm pajamas. Peace. And most of all...Christ...Who was willing to die in my place for my sins.
Now I can truly "LIVE"!
See you tomorrow!
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