Fortunately for us, He doesn't take a break. He doesn't steal off to His special hideaway. He doesn't even sleep. Because He never leaves us.
God seeks to prosper me...and my family. God sits on the throne. God gives everything we experience in life, permission to enter our atmosphere. God blesses us...because He loves us.
So that must mean that He knows whatever we deal with in a moments time...or a days time, is something that will eventually prosper us. Something that will change us...for the better. Something that will make us more like Jesus.

Can you imagine that the reality of your beloved husband dying in a plane crash, could prosper you? Do you believe that discovering you have a malignant tumor in your body somewhere could change you for the better? And if your entire family were killed in an auto accident, would you ever think that experience would make you more like Jesus?
And can you understand how a loving omnipotent God
would allow any of this to enter your life?
would allow any of this to enter your life?
Oh...I can surely offer up scripture after scripture that supports God's loving kindness in each of these situations. And I can even tell you that in these realities, the people in them have given glory to God. They praise Him for what He's done in their lives and for the prosperity, changes, and character improvement that has come with these devastating situations. Even Job praised God for the fire he endured to bring glory to his Father...and that was directly after God pointed out some fairly humbling things to Job about his own character.
But what can be offered up for the minor infractions? After all...the little situations are sometimes the most overwhelming. Especially when they pile up. What can be said for the teenager who dares to speak to his Mother like she's a dog? Why would God allow him to do that?
What about the pre-teen daughter who chooses not to listen? Or the husband who physically abuses his wife? Why wouldn't God smite that man from the face of the Earth?
Where's grace for the man who looses his job after a dedicated 19 year career to his company? He still has to feed 3 kids.
What about the young teacher who is forced to work for a boss who sexually harasses her? What comfort is there for the couple who must pick up the financial burden of caring for a disabled parent? Where is the money to cover that?
The wife who discovers, after 20 years of marriage, that her husband has been having an affair for most of that time? The young family who just lost their home?
I could go on and on. Everyone of these situations can be frustrating and hard to deal with. These things can challenge our faith as much as the more drastic situations that others may face. Again...
Where is God in all this? Did He forget? Or is He refusing
to answer our prayers for a solution?
to answer our prayers for a solution?

Prosper us...
Change us...
Make us more like Him.
We have to hold our thoughts captive and trust God. Period. In all things, we must consider that God doesn't change His mind. He doesn't change the rules. His promises remain. His love for us is unconditional and continual. He is faithful.
Throughout potty training, grades, extra-curricular activities, dating, working, college, and yes...even parenting...
God remains God.
And the rules still apply.
And in the words of a preschool book I've read to my children since they were tiny little people (a couple still are!)...
"Where is God? God is with me. God is in my heart."
Oh, my friend I so needed to hear read the words you have written today! I can't wait to talk to you this sunday.
I needed them too, Amanda! I'll see you soon!!! Love you-C
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