When I woke up this morning, the sun was beginning to peek over the tree line into my window. I felt compelled to pick up my study Bible and read. The title of scripture reading today?
"Live in Peace!"

The scripture was from 1 Peter 2:18-3:12. Convicting passages, if I do say so myself!

Hey...I didn't say that! It's in God's Word! Do you know what this means? Even when things are not fair (He might call us to suffer)...unfair situations at work or in relationships or in marriage...unfair advantages given to one who hasn't worked for it...unfair treatment by a spouse...unfair accusations by another...we are to think of God, and He will be pleased!

So we should unfairly suffer?
Nothing about the way that Christ was born, lived,
and died was fair...NOTHING.
and died was fair...NOTHING.

THE KING...born in a barn. THE KING...laid in an animal feeding box. THE KING...wrapped in rags. THE KING...challenged as He lived. THE KING...ridiculed by others. THE KING...mocked. THE KING...beaten. THE KING...carrying our sin. THE KING...perfectly God, yet paying for all humanity. THE KING...reduced to a painful and horrendous exposure to our sin. THE KING...being held accountable for crimes He did not commit. THE KING...dying a criminal's death.

Treated as though He were nothing. Treated unfairly on OUR behalf. Forsaken by God to bring us hope...eternal life...and...
When we count for joy ALL things...even the unfair things in our life, God is pleased...because...Jesus paid it all for US.
The very least we can do is count ALL things for joy
in recognizing that the blessings...
the gifts given to us by Him,
FAR OUTWEIGH even the worst of challenges...
the worst of things in this life.
in recognizing that the blessings...
the gifts given to us by Him,
FAR OUTWEIGH even the worst of challenges...
the worst of things in this life.
When we learn this in our hearts, and know it in our heads, we will discover the peace that passes ALL understanding. The peace that only comes through knowing Christ.

The peace of God.
That's what Christmas Day is all about.
The gift of The Christ-Child.
The blessings of The Father.
The peace born to us this day in the city of David...
which is...
Christ, The Lord.
Live each day in the knowledge and truth
of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
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