I'm talking about people issues. Relationship issues. Spiritual issues. And HEY! Before we go further...let me say that any issues you have or struggle with...are spiritual issues. Our problems, whether emotional, physical, or psychological, all are traced back down to this solid truth:
the status of our relationship with Christ...or lack of one.
They are ALL spiritual issues. Throw up ANY issue, and I'll show you where it's a spiritual issue.
God says we need Him...period. Since He created us, He would be the One to fulfill our needs. And when we don't allow Him to do so, we have what we think of as "issues" or "problems". Now HEAR ME when I say that this truth doesn't mean that if we have a relationship with Christ...if we walk everyday with Jesus...if we're right with God...that all our issues will go away and our problems will be solved. THAT WON'T HAPPEN. AND THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING. But I AM saying that our issues...our problems...will look a little more like blessings than curses. Wanna know why?
Because with each challenge comes more knowledge, a changed perspective, and elements that build our character. We know more about God, we see things more clearly, and we better understand who we are and Who God is.
In comes the whopper....
Our mindset is forever altered.
PRAISE GOD!!! Praise Him from the depths of this Earth to the heights above!!!! We're not made perfect through our challenges, but we DO come closer to God's Truth. And by-the-way...God's Truth is so much higher than what He can actually reveal to us on this Earth, that we couldn't begin to comprehend a sliver of it...a glimpse of it. We can only be inspired by it and moved to do His work.
So is God's Truth black or white? Is there any gray mixed in?
God's Truth isn't colored at all. It's an eternity of glorious brilliance. White-hot Truth that completely astounds yet envelopes us in a secure faith that can't be explained with our Earthly vocabulary.
God's Truth is an experience that can't begin nor end in our wildest imagination. Nobody in existence is creative enough to imagine it and nobody breathing on this Earth can explain it.
God's Truth is an experience.
What's YOUR truth?
YOUR truth is the stuff that good murder mysteries are made of! YOUR truth is comically inaccurate. YOUR truth is amazingly entwined with every cell in your body. And YOUR truth is also your perception. As my Mother always says, "Perception is reality and reality is suicide".
That's an interesting thought.
What if my friends reality is wrong? Well...either it leads to the suicide of your friends character or it leads to the suicide of your relationship with your friend-hhahahahhaaaaaha!!!! Question is: Will you save your friend from the suicide of their character by standing for God's Truth?
That's an even more interesting thought.
Would you save yourself from the suicide of your own character by recognizing, embracing, and living out God's Truth?
Dude, that's a whole BAG of whoppers!
So many times, we compromise our character...we compromise our faith by opening our mouths. We have issues a lot of times because we open our mouths. We speak because we think it's our "right" to speak. And what we actually say is OUR TRUTH, not GOD'S TRUTH.
And that can be dangerous. In fact...it can be suicide.
How do we get out of that threatening mindset that OUR TRUTH IS REALITY? It's simple, actually.
Seek God.
In seeking God, you will be compelled to read the Bible. The Bible tells us the Truth. The Truth about God and the truth about ourselves, in as much as we can comprehend in this life. In seeking God, you will be compelled to fellowship with other believers. I'm talking about attending church. I'm also talking about attending Sunday School or a small group. That fellowship is invaluable in your ability to recognize God's Truth. Other people are just like you...they seek to find what's missing in life. They seek purpose. And when you fellowship with people who know God and want to know more about God, you'll be better able to change that mindset that YOUR reality is all there is.
In seeking God, you will be compelled to talk to God. Sometimes, we don't know how to pray. Prayer is simply communicating with God. You talk...sometimes you yell...sometimes you argue with Him. But His desire for you is that no matter what, you pray. Talk to Him. Since He's the Creator of Truth...the Creator of perspective...the Creator of perception...the Creator of REALITY...He can certainly change yours through prayer (talking to Him).
I believe that none of us will ever be able to see 100% truth on this Earth. We all have too much "ME" in our view. And since we're not perfect, we'll struggle to remove the "ME" factor. But without a doubt, we can overcome "ME" enough to hand over the reigns to Him. We can give Him our issues...our problems. He will help us to recognize the Truth in each & every situation. And He will change us. Slowly but surely.
Our mindset will be more open to God's Truth than to the devil's whoppers.
Hmmm...I'm hungry. I think I'll do the Lean Cuisine again today. Those stinkin' whoppers are only good when you're swallowing them.
After that, the ugly fat & calories take over.
Now THAT'S a reality!!!
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