Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Revealing Light

The front of our house faces East. So in the mornings, when the Sun is shining in it's blinding brilliance, it boldly invades my home.

A habit I have established in the morning is to "pick up". Pick up the odds and ends in the kitchen/dining room left by my sleepy eyed children as they ate breakfast. Once they are off to school, it's "pick up" time.

As I was fulfilling that daily ritual (hourly ritual sometimes!!!) this morning, God showed me some dirt. Literally. By the light of the bulb, I couldn't really see it. Nor could I see it by the light of regular day. But in the brilliance of the sunlight, I was appalled! I could plainly see every speck of food, crumbs, and dirt, scattered over my kitchen floor. I could see dust. I could see hand prints and smears on the glass door leading to the sunroom. Knowing the diminishing sight that comes with the fading brilliance of the sun, I rushed around trying my best to clean, before the light was gone.
I remembered a truth that God had told me back when Tyler was 2. I was cleaning the kitchen floor one morning then, too. God said:
"See all that dirt that you've never noticed? You can only see that by MY light. You'll never be able to clean up all the dirt in your life, until you stand before Me."
That truth resonates today.
Most of you know that I'm a freak about keeping things in their place. In fact, I've been on medication for OCD. Currently, I am not taking it (which is good for Dean's clean house-HA!). I vacuum the whole upstairs everyday. I constantly "pick up". I'm also a freak about clutter. It goes in it's place or it goes in the garbage can! And the Goodwill people just love to see us pull up! If we can't use it...I know they can!!! Bags and bags of stuff. It can't stay here! It has to GO!
So it makes sense that for the most part, our home is clean. Not perfect...not as clean as some of yours may be, but definitely clean for having 7 people living in it! We like clean, clutter-free living.

BUT...in looking at the mess that was obvious to my sight this morning, I was mortified! And I realized God speaking. And He said:

"Not only can't you get all the dirt in your life taken care of, you can't even SEE it outside of My brilliant light. Therefore remember...I see all aspects of your heart. All the hurts and all the joys. I see the disappointments. I see the pain. I also see the solution to any trial that enters your life. I see things you will never be able to see. So trust Me. Trust in My heart and My love for you. And out of respect for My love for you, trust and obey what I tell you to do. Because that will bring an understanding far beyond your ability to obtain on your own. Then go and minister that truth to others. You'll never even SEE the dirt...the imperfections...the error of your own thinking...much less be able to change it. But I see it and I will use it to My glory. And to the benefit of others. And to the benefit of your own self. In obedience, don't give up on the things you can't change. But out of your love for Me, obediently change the things you CAN see."

God is awesome. He is Holy. He is trustworthy. He is righteous. He is sovereign.

He is.

And no amount of dirt in your life stands a chance when revealed in His glorious light of truth.

Happy Thanksgiving. And to God be the glory forever. Amen.

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