Tuesday, November 4, 2008

She Said What?!

There's a wonderful Bible passage that says "What does it do to gain the world and lose your soul?"...and I knew that in this moment in time, in my lifetime, I would have lost a piece of my soul had I not stood up for him.

This quote is from someone the world admires to a fault. In fact...it's someone the world is crazy about. It is...

Oprah Winfrey, commenting on her support of Barack Obama...the man we now know as our next President of the United States. And I hope he realizes that he is not in control.
Another blog on another day.

This is a prime example of how ungodly people twist God's Word.

So Oprah backs Obama...that's her prerogative. So she is racist...that's also her choice. But beware, folks! When we take God's precious Word and twist it up to fit our own agenda, we are parading around on very thin ice.

God's Word is NOT to be twisted, manipulated, or misinterpreted.

It's GOD'S Word...not the words of man. Inspired by God in the hearts of those who penned it. The hearts invaded by A living God.

How would you like it if someone twisted your words? Manipulated your statements in order to fit their intentions? Misinterpreted the truth of what you said...?

And did so with the support and participation of millions...

In case you haven't picked up on the fact that I am NOT an Oprah fan, guess what?

I'm NOT.

I haven't been for yeeeaaaaarrrsss. I'm not a fan of anybody who is so arrogant about their own power, while giving no credit to the One who has allowed them to have that power...the very One who gifted them to do far more in this old world...

than to lead millions down the path of hell.

Sound harsh?

Then stop reading.

The truth can be harsh sometimes. The truth can be a hard pill to swallow. But I'll take The Truth over The Lie, any day of the week.

And I'm very passionate about my disapproval of people who boldly misrepresent God and His Word.

His Word has saved my life. His blood was shed to cover my sin. His life was sacrificed so that I might have a future and a hope.

"I still believe in a place called Hope!", Oprah says.

So do I.

And it most definitely isn't found in the humanity found on this Earth, myself included.

My Hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus name.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

Would you like to know what Matthew, Mark, and Luke said in the Gospels?

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world,
yet forfeits his soul?" (Matt 16:26, Mark 8:36, Luke 9:25)

The question is asked of how beneficial it is to us if we gain it all at the price of our soul...? If we have money to burn, power to yield, and love to give & receive...but we're enslaved to the things in life that make all that possible...what have we really gained?

Where does all of our earthly power, and where do all of our earthly possessions find us in eternity? Are we willing to give up an eternal life with our Creator, in order to give in to the things of this world? To reject His BEST for us on this Earth and in the end wind up with nothing? 'Cause that best may or may not include the riches...the power, and the fame that we may have now.

But it sure doesn't include our arrogance towards The Creator...the Giver of all things.

When it all comes to an end
at the point in life where we take our final breath...
what legacy are we leaving behind?

That we were rich and wore all the latest fashions? That we were always well spoken and well groomed? That we worked hard and developed great ideas? That we donated millions to poverty? That we were well educated and had popular friends?

How about that we were a great Mom? A wonderful community leader and volunteer. Someone who sacrificed self to serve others. A person who earned an honest living and took care of their family.

While any of these comments may reflect a positive legacy that any of us would like to be remembered by, if we do not have a relationship with Christ, we will still "forfeit our soul". How?...you might ask.

Because without a personal relationship with Christ, we will lose our soul. Period. And I didn't come up with that "wonderful passage".

God did.
To give credit where credit is due, God did instill in Oprah the desire to give. And she seems to joyfully use that gift. But Oprah needs to stop disrespecting God's words by melding them to fit her image. A good dose of God's truth would be wonderful for her! If she only understood the truth of Who stood up for HER in the biggest historical trial in 2,000 years...she wouldn't care about losing her soul over a historical election.

And I'd be willing to bet she'd give up her gain of "the whole world", to lose her soul to the One Who gave it to her in the first place.

Thank God, there's a place called hope.

It's found in the blood of Jesus.

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