I'm very excited! A little bit nervous!
I'll be speaking next Thursday night from Proverbs 31. This afternoon, I was sharing with my friend Amanda that women have such a misconception about the Proverbs 31 woman. If you read the description that God lays out there, she sounds like SUPERWOMAN, or at the very least...perfect.

She's not.
And neither are you.
Guess what else?
God didn't call you to be perfect.
He just calls us to obey Him...to put forth the effort to care for our families.
Are you with me? How much effort do you put forth? How many excuses do you use for letting the dishes pile up, the crumbs litter the carpet, the laundry sour? How many excuses do you give your kids when they want some "Mommy" time? How many headaches excuse your intimacy with your husband each week/month?
(well maybe if your husband acted a 'tard like my Uncle Jim in the above pictures, you would have a valid excuse to have a headache-hahahahahhaaahahha!!! Just kidding, Uncle Jim)
God didn't call you to be perfect, Ladies.
He just called you.
More to come...
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