Vacuuming is one of the most peaceful things to me.
His response? "That's because it's mindless".
"NO, honey. I really mean it. You DO have to think about vacuuming!

"NO, honey. I really mean it. You DO have to think about vacuuming!'s instant gratification."
I won't even quote him on his response to that!
It's true, though. I have fallen in love with my Dyson. When I feel overwhelmed, or need to make sense of something, or am needing to organize/straighten, etc., my Dyson helps me. It's therapy! I know what you're thinking...vacuuming is WORK, and there's nothing soothing about it. I beg to differ! When I vacuum, I control where my Dyson goes. I can "fix" the carpet's problem of not laying the correct way. I can get those crumbs. I can leave neat lines in the carpet. All of which is in MY CONTROL.'s true. I'm a sometimes control FREAK, and a woman who struggles to have control over experiencing unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that can prompt me to carry out repeated actions (compulsions) to reduce the anxiety produced by those thoughts. And it absolutely drives me CRAZY!!! And I'm MEDICATED!!! So what about the 2.2 million adults per year that don't know they NEED medication???!!! I feel sorry for them. Are they like me? Working at the consignment sale, I counted my money draw 6 times. SIX TIMES!!!!! At home, I vacuum everyday. EVERYDAY!!!! And guess what??!!! I really think that my carpet needs to be vacuumed everyday. It REALLY does. Which leads me back to my Dyson.
Do you know people who get their anxiety and stress out by exercising? I am NOT one of those people. I walk on my treadmill because my REAR is too big. Not to alleviate stress. It probably helps (the DR said it would), but I'd rather blog or vacuum to relieve my stress. And what stress? You may ask. After all, I'm at home ALL DAY with only ONE of my FIVE kids! This is a piece of cake, right? WRONG! That ONE KID keeps me hoppin'! He's in to everything! I don't want to take him out in public, because then my exercise will consist of chasing him around. home, I can lock the doors and he can run all he wants to, while I vacuum. What about when he takes his 2 hour nap? say. Well...that's my blog time. Or my quiet time.

Quiet time?

My God.
He is THE answer to everything. Every itch I have. Whether I feel strong or weak. Whether I succeed or fail. He is THE plan. For ability to be a Mom. Can I get real honest with y'all?
I can't breath without Him.
And I'm so glad that He has promised that He'll never leave me (Hebrews 13:5). He has promised that He'll never give me a situation or circumstance that I can't deal with or that He won't show me how to resolve (1 Corinthians 10:13). He has promised to prosper me (Proverbs 28:25) (Jeremiah 29:11). He gives me hope (Isaiah 40:31) (Jeremiah 29:11).

My Dyson is great at sucking up dirt and making the carpet look pretty. Vacuuming is a temporary "fix" for me to feel better and less stressed. But the only true sanity and restoration is achieved by God's ability to suck out the dirt that the devil throws at us, and replace it with His truth.

And we'll talk about my control issues later...
1 comment:
Intervention.....put down the Dyson.....put down the Dyson.
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