The "pis" are getting fatter and fatter! Would it hurt Bacon's feelings to know that I spoke of her that way? Doesn't matter...we'll be eating her soon, anyway! Besides...pigs have feelings that are made out of rubber, right? Okay...maybe that was only Dumbo.
The day before we left to go to the wedding, Dean & Tyler completed the pigpen. I asked my wonderful hubby how he intended to get those "pis" in their new pen. He told me he'd do it with their slop. "Pigs always follow the food", he said.

We went out to the chicken coop to lure the pigs into their new pen. The yucky pig-smell was in full force...mud and all. Dean had his slop bucket, and they immediately started following him. But just before he got them to the opening of the pen, they became distracted and started sniffing around.
Next thing we knew, Dean was chasing them as they ran like pig lightening!!!
I laughed and laughed!!! Here's my incredibly hardworking man out in the pasture, after multiple knee surgeries (one of which was a total knee replacement)...chasing pigs! It was hysterical!!! They went around the barn a couple of times and spread out over the field. And the sheep just watched. The chickens clucked. And I HOWLED!
We've had a lot of fun with these pigs, and Dean was saying last night how much he's enjoyed having them.

Are you ever like those pigs? Yeah, we all "pig-out" sometimes, but that's not what I'm talking about. Do you ever get right up to the opening of your communication with God, only to get distracted by the things of this world? Friends, let me tell you that God will chase you until you can't run anymore. He'll zap you with His heavenly lightening if need be. But He loves you so much, that He won't settle for you pointlessly running around in unfamiliar territory for long. He wants you to be safe and He wants you with Him.

So...ummm...get in the pen. Get into a relationship with Him. You'll be well-cared for and fed each & every day if you'll rest in Him. You can "pig-out" on His Word.
And there's no stinky mud in your fellowship with Him.
1 comment:
I would've paid money to see Dean running all over the yard. I was laughing so hard that I had tears!!! That is too funny! Run for your lives Bacon and Sausage!!
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