Have you ever experienced God's silence?
I have. And it's always when I'm too loud.
No comments are necessary on that one, Friends!
I would imagine that God doesn't like to be silent. Because I know how much He desires to be in a close relationship with each one of us, I can't imagine that He really enjoys being silent. In our relationship with Him, I mean. It's like being frustrated with your son because no matter what you try to say...he's not listening...he's just being too loud.
God is silent when we decide to be too loud (even though He's still working). And why shouldn't He be? After all, He's wasting His breath...His time...His effort, when we refuse to listen to Him. When we complain about our life...when we complain about our lack of control over the things that enter into our lives. We tend to be discontent so much of the time.
So how do we stop being so loud? It's simple...
Read your Bible.

He is so crazy about you! And He has ALL the answers! What in the world are we thinking to NOT sit at His feet every single day? It's the only time that it's okay for the laundry to sit. For the dishes to wait. And for you to tame the zoo animals or life on the farm.
Give Him a little bit of time each day, and He'll give you the desires of your heart.
So when you realize that you haven't heard from Him lately...just realize that sometimes God is silent until we are silent.
Then...SHUT UP!
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