Do you ever feel like you need a break from religion? From church? From trying to figure out life? From God? I can honestly say that I have needed a break from religion, or what the world calls's too fake for me to stomach sometimes. And there are times that I need a break from can be too busy. Not to mention that it's a lot of work to get 5 kids ready and out the door. Not sure who it's harder to get out the door...the 17 year old or the 17 month old! In any case, we LOVE going to church and are blessed every Sunday morning! And as much as I try to "veg out"...sometimes I resist analyzing life, but most times I can't. My brain gets tired! But it still keeps working...or not.
A break from God?...from GOD?...NEVER! And I mean NEVER!!! I never need a break from God!!! Unfortunately, that doesn't stop me from taking a break from God sometimes. And when I say that I sometimes take a break from God, I don't mean that I really want a break from God. It's just that I get distracted. Like when you're driving down the road and you notice a state trooper pulling up behind you. Or when you look in your rearview mirror (the one INside the car) and see your precious toddler puking. Or when you're SUPER stressed and you're getting ready to pass a Starbucks. Maybe when you're trying to get some housework done on a sunny 70 degree day...with a refreshing breeze blowing through your sunroom?
How about when you have a desire to peek in God's Word, because you KNOW you'll be blessed and reassured by Him if you'll only read it...but your best friend from out of state calls OR another episode of the Bachelor...the one where he chooses which girl he'll take to the overnight luxury suite (gigantic exclamation mark!) 5 minutes from starting OR your neighbors call to invite you over for some social time OR you pick up the latest James Patterson novel on your way to grabbing your Bible. Distraction. Now, I'm not saying that any of the distractions are bad (although I do believe in traditional dating and not spending the night with someone to whom you're not married to). They could be really good distractions or even necessary distractions. But they are distractions, none the less. And if you're going to be refreshed, validated, and comforted by God's gotta go there. Without the kids around your legs. No phone. No tv. No computer. No other books are necessary.

Just you and the One who created you
Psalm 86:11 says "Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name."

So basically, God can teach you to be blessed/reassured of His love and care/refreshed/validated/comforted and so much more if...IF...we give Him the opportunity to by making the time. Then...we can walk in His truth...not be jerked around by those distractions. And we can be reasonable about our "distractions" because our hearts will be in the right place and not controlled by the things that can never fill us up. Our hearts will be growing in Him...not being deceived by distractions! Which, of course, will lead us to respect God more and more.

Yes, I'll surf my computer. I'll read the latest James Patterson because I love murder mysteries (Nancy Drew is STILL good!). I seriously doubt I'll watch The Bachelor, because I'm usually drinking my cup of coffee and getting ready for bed by then. My long-time friends who live out-of-state usually email, and no need to worry about pesky neighbors because we don't have neighbors! And while I get distracted from God's Word often, every breath I take and every move I make comes back to Him. He reminds me in various ways that He's patiently-and not so patiently sometimes (no power/nasty head colds/broken tv or get the point)-that He wants to speak to me. And He will. As soon as I disable the distractions.
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