Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Some of you may not know what MOPS is. It's an acronym for Mothers Of PreschoolerS. God called me to start this ministry at Grace in January of 2007 and we had our first meeting last September. I truly love MOPS at Grace. And God brought it to me at a time in my life when I was struggling with purpose. Here is the story:

As I stumbled back to bed on a cold January morning, I was hopeful that I'd get at least a good 3-4 hours of continuous sleep. Luke had just nursed for the 2nd time and it was now 4am. I settled back under my warm electric blanket for some much needed rest. Luke was barely a month old and my wonderful husband was gone on a mission trip to El Salvadore. As I laid there waiting for the fog to settle on my brain, I started to roll over...and over...tossing and turning, not able to get comfortable. An hour later, in utter exasperation, I spoke aloud, "Okay Lord! What now???!!!". Go down to your computer. "Are you ON something Lord? I'm sooooo tired. Can't you just put me to sleep?"...Go down to your computer. "Lord...who do you want me to pray for? I'll pray for whomever. But Lord, I'm tired and I don't want to go downstairs to my computer. Plus it's cold."...Go down to your computer...I want you to do something." "You know what, Lord? That's so nuts at 5am, that I think it's not You who's telling me to go to my computer! It must be the devil bothering me...maybe." Get out of the bed and go. That's the only way I'm going to put you back to sleep, is if you do what I tell you to. So I whipped back the covers and went down to my computer. On the way down the steps, God said, Look up MOPS. "Is THAT what You wanted me to do??? I could've done that in the morning!!!!". You don't listen to me in the morning. Ouch...that one brought some conviction...enough for me to change my attitude. "Okay, Lord...here's the MOPS webpage. I know, I know...you want me to look up the nearest MOPS group and see about attending the meeting." After looking up the groups in my area, I decided the best one would be at Sevier Heights Baptist Church, which was a "haul" for me to drive to get there. "It's OKAY, Lord...I'll go. I get the point! Now can I go back to bed?". No. You aren't going to attend a MOPS group, you're going to start a MOPS group at Grace. "Okay...now I KNOW I'm dreaming! God, you must be joking! I have 5 children, including a newborn. I couldn't possibly start a MOPS group at Grace! I'm going back to bed now...see ya!". Carmen...pray about it. "Lord...here's what I think:

5:19am, 1-25-07

I feel so friend-less sometimes, Lord. I’ve been awake since 3am, when I fed Luke. I’ve been talking to you about bringing some Godly ladies into my life for social purposes. I need that, Father. Please. Also, please lead Dean and I into a SS class where we can serve and grow. Lead me into whatever you want me to do. Sometimes I think it’s starting a MOPS group at Grace or something like that. Sometimes I think it’s teaching. And I know you want me to be more attentive and spend more time socializing with my children. That’s so hard sometimes. I have to discipline, and it’s overwhelming to have 5 kids. They all need me. I need “girlie” time. I need time with Dean. I need some “Carmen” time. But God, help me to remember what You showed me last week...and that was what you’ve called me to do right here at home with my husband and these children is no less important than being a missionary in Africa. It’s not about the size of what we’re doing. It’s all about if we’re being faithful to You with what You’ve called us to do. Are we being obedient? That’s the question. That’s what matters and what You’ll judge us on. When people talk about “what did you do with Jesus?”, it can kind of be misleading. Doing something with Jesus doesn’t mean for some what it means for others. We can’t all be foreign missionaries, but we can all answer whatever call You lay on each of our hearts. My mission is right here at home. Help me, God. That may be a lot harder than traveling to Africa.
Carmen, I want you to commit to thinking about and praying over starting a MOPS group at Grace." "Well, maybe I don't want to think about it." Yes, you do, because you want to serve Me, and this is what I'm calling you to do. After sitting there with my heart racing for a few more minutes, I told the Lord I'd THINK about it. I turned everything off and went upstairs to climb into my comfy bed. And I told God once again that I was only THINKING about it...NOT committing to start a group. And then I had to chuckle when I heard Him laugh...

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