The marriage relationship...your friendships...your children...and yes, even your dog (especially when she sweetly licks strangers instead of biting them!). No matter how wonderful these relationships can be, there comes a time every once in a while, when they are less than what you want them to be...and your feelings are crazy with frustration. Whether it's frustration over something that was said or not said...something that was done or not done, it becomes a pitfall. Instead of taking that frustration and doing something about it, sometimes we give up. Sometimes we turn frustration into...

We allow the devil to convince us that if we get frustrated's hopeless.
In studying the word "frustration" in the Bible, I realized that God not only knows about our frustrations, but He draws a direct parallel from them to our freedom from the stuff in life that can hold us back. He purposely allows us to be frustrated as a means to grow in our walk with Him.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." Romans 8:18-21
Depending on the situation, I guess I've always seen my frustrations as a secret plot on behalf of my wonderful children to drive me crazy...or on behalf of my turn me into a maid inside of the glorious duties of running a household. Or maybe it's the secret goal of the driver in front of me to push my mental capacities of operating a vehicle to the foaming-at-the-mouth level, as I try my best to NOT freak out when he/she drives like an idiot!

But even more than surface frustration...I'm talking about relational frustration. The surface stuff is only practice for dealing with the real frustrations found in our relationships.'s heavy stuff.
Starts out with the toddler who can't decide if he wants to pee-pee in the potty, on the carpet, or in his diaper-and your reaction to him as a Mom...and moves on to the married couple who struggles with constantly being irritated with each other-and how they settle those irritations (or IF they settle them)...and even includes the friend who expresses her desire to eat lunch with you, every time you see her, but who never moves towards fulfilling that desire.
Here's what Paul says in Romans concerning frustration...
We are purposely exposed to frustration, in order to build our character enough to have the ability to be free from the small stuff in life we take issue be spiritually exercised and strengthened so that we can grow into mature men and women, meeting the goal that God has in mind for us.

Where would our faith be? How would we grow? How would we relate to other people?
Sin exists. And if we are not challenged in life...or in our faith, how will we establish the kind of character and strong faith in Christ to combat sin?
Without frustration, how are we challenged
to make a difference in a dying world?
to make a difference in a dying world?

To quote Dr. Viktor Frankl, psychologist and survivor of Auschwitz, "The bland, satisfied life means little, accomplishes little, and is remembered little."
God wants our life to be blessed. He wants us to be content. But He doesn't want us to be so satisfied that we fail to make a difference for Him...or that we can't relate to those hurting souls around us who desperately need Him.
And a lot of times, in the frustrations that pass through our day after having first been filtered through His loving hands, we fail to realize the lesson He wants us to learn. And if we can't get past an irritated spouse or an oblivious can we ever sincerely take part of the bigger motion picture? The one in which God created a role especially for us? The role that serves to make us stronger so that we can make an even bigger difference for Christ...
It really all goes back to our purpose. And I say this with all confidence...
Our daily frustrations help shape us
into the person God created us to be,
in order for us to fulfill the purpose
for which He created us.
into the person God created us to be,
in order for us to fulfill the purpose
for which He created us.
It's that simple.
Fighting back the desire to jerk out our hair at the roots (or our darling children's hair), however, isn't.

So don't get overwhelmed by your frustrations. It's not hopeless.
Trust God's plan and ask Him if there's a better way to deal with them...
other than screamin'...or shootin' your computer...
Hi Carmen! Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and passages. I'm kinda feeling down right now with all the frustrations I am experiencing and with just everything not going my way...Sometimes I just want to give in....but when I came to stumble upon your blog and read your article, I felt relieved and enlightened... especially with this passage---
"our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us"
Thank you so much for sharing this...
Hi Laiza! God is good even when our circumstances aren't! Keep your head up and your eyes on Him...
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