Tired of being tired. Ever been there?
Tired of hearing about how awful our economy is, while watching the big wigs in Washington bail out the big wigs on Wall Street. And in light of AIG's decision to send their executives on a posh spa weekend...to the tune of $400,000.00...POST BAILOUT...I'm tired of people like that taking advantage of the system in order to line their own pockets. In fact, I'm SICK of it. What has our country come to, when the large companies SCREAM for help, but turn around and indulge themselves at the taxpayers expense? And if you don't think we're paying that $400,000.00 spa bill...think again. Not only are WE paying for it, but our children will pay for it, and probably our grandchildren.

Dude...last time I checked...I HAD TO PAY FOR MY OWN TRIP TO THE SPA.
Tired of having little energy, interrupted sleep, piles of laundry, a sore body, and lots of extra pounds on that sore body.
When you're this tired, a retreat is sooooo refreshing, eh?
I visited my friend this past weekend. I've always enjoyed visiting with her. We've been friends/soul mates for nearly a decade. This past weekend was a retreat for me! I enjoyed spending time with her, soooooo much.
So why do I feel like today was "one of those days"? Has to be the tired thing again. Although I slept well over the weekend, as soon as I returned, reality hit. My kids were waiting at the door (which I love!!!). But that didn't change the fact that it's an effort to try and keep up with my kids...or that because I have a sleepwalker, and an almost 2 year old, it's still sketchy on that sleep factor. And with 7 people in our home, the laundry WILL pile up. No wonder my body is sore. Really no excuse for the pounds. I wonder...
Does God see me?
I carry so much guilt when I fail to sit down and talk to Him or fall asleep before studying His word. That guilt clogs up the open lines between God & myself, and I feel so unworthy to even call His name sometimes.

And I think about others who feel the same. Others who are hampered in some way from studying the truth about God. In today's world...the truth isn't popular. The truth about ANYTHING is hard to come by. But we can combat that by picking up His word...the Bible...and reading it. He promised that His word will never come back void. So we can rest assured that it's not a waste of time to read it. We can rest assured that in the frustrating times and in the devastating times, His promises are still true...His throne is still occupied. And yes...
He still sees me. He still sees you.

He sees our failures. Our successes. Our trials & tribulations. He sees our heart. He's well aware of our sin. And guess what? He sees how much Christ suffered on the cross to bring forgiveness and healing to the heartbreak and devastation that sin leaves behind. He sees our sin as something that Christ had to die for, so that we could live. He sees the hope we have, even when we don't see it. And whether you brought on the devastation that you're facing right now or whether you were handed that crisis without merit, He sees your suffering and He suffers right along with you.

Isaiah 40:31"...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Did you know that through these tiring times...through the heartache...through the physical pain...through the wipe outs...if we will hope in the Lord, our strength will be renewed?
Friends, that's a PROMISE from God.
And I will never tire of those.
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