This morning, Scarlett was pouting. She & Summerlyn were looking at a yearbook from school, and she decided that she needed to hold it and look at it by herself. When I took the book (standard procedure when they argue over something), Summerlyn said, "Thanks, Scarlett!!!" and Scarlett started pouting. She was so cute, yet she was pouting. It kind of made her look bratty instead of cute.
That what sin does.
It takes the beautiful creation God made and mars it. Namely...us. Have you ever been marred by sin? Of course you have. We all have. And one of the craziest things about sin is that we don't always see the way it changes us. We don't always see how subtly but profoundly our attitude changes because the devil entices us with righteousness. If we think we have THE RIGHT to change our attitude or THE RIGHT to be right...WATCH OUT!!!
Take a recent situation at my home, for instance.
Tyler came to me to ask if he could use my computer to look up some Algebra terms. Since I've told him that he can't use my computer, I asked him where his book was. As unbelievable as it is, this led to a war! Tyler isn't allowed to use my computer because he has gotten on it so many times without asking first, AND because he changes things when he gets on it. He's been down right ugly to me about this computer. The one I paid for! So I think it's best for him not to use it, because he won't listen and he's ugly in his defiance. The girls aren't allowed to use it, either. When the war was in full swing, Dean & I were trying to make the point to him that no matter what, he needs to respect us and back off. He self-righteously stated that we needed to respect him, and not get in his face. Tyler has issues admitting when he's wrong about anything...he refuses to take responsibility for his actions in most situations. I've got so many examples of that, it would be hard to list them here. Tyler is a GREAT kid. He just needs to mature and realize that A-We're on his side, and B-We know more than he does. If you could've seen the pouting that came after the war!
Have you ever pouted at God?

Probably when you've witnessed a wrongful action by someone that seemed to go without punishment. Or when you've been hurt by one you trust. How about when you KNOW you deserved that promotion, but it was given to another...who was less qualified!?!
Maybe you haven't pouted over such things, but I wonder if you've pouted towards others. Maybe you've mumbled some unflattering things (under your breath, of course) about your husband when he snapped at you or stated something you didn't want to hear. Maybe your friend let you down and you returned the favor, in order to let her know what it feels like to be disappointed. You might have even cut someone off in traffic because they were driving too slow or because they pulled out in front of you.
That's pouting towards God.
God allowed that young teenager to pull out in front of you. God allowed that Grandpa to drive insanely slow. God allowed your friend to speak words you found offensive. God allowed your husband to express to you how beautiful you are, and even more so...20 pounds lighter.
God even allowed the less qualified employee to receive that promotion that it didn't seem they really deserved. That person that hurt you, only did so because God allowed it. And that man that drove off without paying for his gas?...he couldn't have pressed the pedal down unless God allowed it.
If God really has our best interest in mind...if God seeks to prosper us...if God knows more than we do...and if God is really on our side, WHY does He allow negative things to enter our day? To enter our lives?
Let me ask you something else...
If we never dealt with negativity, how would we know that our God is so good? How we would ever build our faith if things always went the way WE think they should?

I love my son so much it hurts. It hurts to discipline him when he's done wrong. It hurts to put on my hard hat when he's being belligerent. I hate that! But sometimes, that's the only way for him to learn about life. That's the only way for him to understand that I want the very best from him, so he can walk on the path that's the very best for him. And since God allowed us to be his parents...it's our responsibility to teach Tyler, no matter how frustrating we OR he gets.
Are you on the path that's best for you? Or are you pouting and wasting time?
When you look at every situation through God-colored glasses, your perspective starts to shift into the right gear. You begin to understand how loving and faithful God really is. And you begin to see how immature and silly you can be.
Trust God. He does have your best interest at heart. He absolutely knows more than we do...in fact, he knows ALL. He's on our side 100%, and He has promised to prosper us. And remember...His ways are not our ways...thank God!!!!!!!
So suck in that lip and change your attitude...BRAT!
1 comment:
You always know the exact thing that I need to hear. Funny how he works like that...huh. Thank you for staying close and reeling me back in! Love ya girl!
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