It seems at this particular time that life really IS a highway!!! Of course, we just got off the road a little bit ago from driving 5 hours to get home from SC, so it would seem that way, I suppose. And actually, I'm glad that life seems more like a highway instead of a hurricane!
(Picture of Steven Emory...Dean's brother...and his AWESOME girlfriend, Mirinda)

We just got back from a wonderful weekend spent in Rock Hill, SC. My brother-in-law married Dana Smith, whom we all love to pieces. (Picture of the happy couple) 

We had SO MUCH FUN! We stayed at a great hotel, and upon arrival, received goody bags from the wedding party. We unloaded like we were moving in (it does look that way when you're packing for 7; one of which is a baby!), and relaxed for a rest time before getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. The dinner was nice, the food was good, and the company was OUT OF THIS WORLD! We were all in a celebratory mood, considering why we had been brought together.

On Saturday, we dressed in our fancies and headed to the church to see baby brother make a vow before God, Dana, and the rest of us, to be married "til death do us part'. As the guest came in, I observed and took pictures (of course!).
Dana was beautiful walking down the isle to meet her groom.

I couldn't help thinking that we, God's people, are consistantly compared to a bride in the Bible. In Revelations, John describes the scene from the divine vision God gave him concerning the end times. Again, we are described as a bride. In the spiritual aspects of being a bride, we must prepare for our wedding feast, which is when we will meet with Christ and reign with Him forever.

There were so many decisions made, and plans put into motion in order for Dana & Michael's wedding to be as beautiful and fun as it was. They were ready to be joined together not only physically, but spiritually as well. How ready were YOU on your wedding day?

I well remember my wedding day. My incredible friend, Ruth, and I got up early and drove out to a gorgeous home in East Flat Rock to collect gardenias for our bouquets. It was so fun to meet the wonderful lady who allowed us to pick them from her bush. We had a lot of fun preparing for my wedding that day! And throughout the planning period beforehand, we had made some fun decisions, as well as some tough decisions. In the end, all that mattered to me was for the wedding to flow, and for Dean & I to be joined together as husband & wife.
That's an accurate picture of our walk with Christ!
In this life, we will have tough decisions to make. Sometimes because of our faith, and sometimes because of our mistakes. But the plans are being made throughout, for an ultimate joining together of hearts and spirits with our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be an active, and even excited participant in the planning here on this earth because in the end, if we have a personal relationship with Christ, we'll be joined together with Him forever.
At the ultimate wedding feast.
I can only imagine the reception and party that God will "throw down" for us! I'm thinking appetizers (my favorite is fried about fried mushrooms?...), a fresh garden salad with homemade blue cheese dressing...macaroni and cheese...squash casserole (HEY! I'm Baptist!!!! We eat casseroles!!!)...okra fried up so crisp and yummy...can you smell the hot chocolate chip cookies? Dude! We won't EVEN have to worry about gaining weight!!!!!
We won't have to worry about wedding dramas, either. The wedding will be perfect. The pictures will be perfect. The food will be perfect. The reception will be perfect. The cake will be perfectly moist. We'll be with our Creator in a well planned out P*A*R*T*AAAAAYYYYY. 

Best of all?
The price has already been paid.
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