I honestly have to say that I was tickled for the kids to go back to school this year. Usually I'm complaining about how short the summer is...and having to get them up early...and running to school and back each day...but THIS year, I'm not complaining at all.
Even though it was a nice summer...
I'm tired! I was ready for a break.

So as I walked in the door of my "peaceful" home at 8:30am on Monday morning, after seeing the girls to class and meeting their teachers, etc...
I felt as though I could take a deep breath without being interrupted. HA! That feeling lasted a few seconds before my 20 month old heartily (that's for you, Amanda!) reminded me he was there! So what about that deep breath? Do we ever really get it?

Maybe when we're sleeping!
Or maybe you don't have kids...perhaps your kids are grown...maybe you only have 2 or 3 kids...a VERY different story with 5 kids ranging in age from 20 mos to almost 18 years old!!!! I have to admit that I have it better than a lot of Moms with this many. Luke takes a good 2 hour nap each day, so I do get to do whatever it is I think I need to (Ebay is open 24-7). And generally speaking, I can do things around the house as long as I don't mind hauling an extra 23 pounds around on my leg! A good workout, I suppose.
But as the current song on my blog says,
"There's got to be more to life"
And there is!
It's called a relationship with Christ. Of course, you only gain more in life if you're willing to maintain that relationship. That's hard sometimes. The last thing I feel like doing after a day of cleaning house, lugging around that 23 extra pounds, being a chaffeur, cook, Mom, friend, problem solver, referee...did I mention WIFE???...pig slopper (I really like this part!)...you get the point...is to sit down and read my Bible or even talk. Really, I just want to sleep...or escape MY world into the world of a good James Patterson murder investigation. That's definitely what the flesh tells me to do. As if I don't have a responsibility to anyone in my home to maintain my relationship with them...much less maintain my relationship with God. Tough sometimes, huh? Just admit it. We're all human.
But then I miss the revelations that God gives me. I miss the perspective He shows me. I miss the little ways He speaks to me throughout the day. It's like missing your best friend because you grew apart...or moved away...or death dissolved a relationship that was important to you.
Do you view your relationship with God that way?
We're currently studying prayer in Sunday School. It's all about talking to God. Sometimes we come to Him with our faces to the ground. Sometimes we come to Him needing a friend. Sometimes we just need our Father. Sometimes we're just tired. Tired of being tired.
God settles that for us. He gives us purpose. Even when we're 80 years old and have lost the love of our life. Even when we feel as though our days are plain old boring...if we feel defeated...if we're at death's door...if we love Him and feel as if we have no direction. Even when God's plan for us at 60, is a complete change of location and responsibilities...when we are the ripe old age of 30 and aren't married or even dating. Even when we have chosen to stay-at-home with our preschoolers and take care of our family...instead of working outside the home. WE HAVE PURPOSE! But what you have to realize is that our purpose ONLY comes from God.
If we will invest in our relationship with God, things won't be so crazy. Life will be incredibly more productive. Not a rose garden, mind you, but if you know Him, you're never without hope! Never without purpose! And the purpose we have...the reason we are here...why we even exist...is
He provides our purpose...our reason to go on. In everything, there is a purpose.
Okay, so now I can take that deep breath. It may not be uninterrupted, but I realize that my 20 month old and the way that I care for him & our family IS God's purpose for me.
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