But let me say that I'm truly grateful for all the years that God has blessed me with on this Earth. I'm not gonna lie...there have been some challenging years! This past year was one of those that will be memorable for painful reasons. But even through it...God has never failed me. God has never left me. I still know Christ died for me and because I've given my heart & life to Him, I am His.
My goal is still to pass that on to my children. My goal is still to pass that on to other people.
People express how amazed they are at Jesus. At the love of God. At His goodness. And I am too. But one of the most profound things to me about my Jesus...my God...is that He is still there even though I fail. He's still working even though I'm lazy & don't care. Even though I lack motivation to move through my day so many times, He's still there speaking. He's crazy AMAZING for those reasons. He makes things happen that LET ME KNOW THAT HE KNOWS I'M HERE. And THAT'S amazing! Even with His busy schedule, I am His beloved princess.
So I spend another year of my blessed life, trying to hang on and do as I always encouraged my sweet Moms to do when we met for MOPS years ago...
Don't just survive life...whatever stage you're in...but THRIVE.
Some years involve seasons that aren't fun to go through. But God is still there. And He wants you to trust Him to fill in the cracks.
Believe me...over all these birthdays & years...He's done A. LOT. OF. CONSTRUCTION. IN. MY. LIFE.

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