Find Peace in Christ
Disappointment. Comes in all shapes and sizes, and from people and places that you'd least expect.
Hi. My name is Carmen Jones, and I struggle with disappointment (think Bruce on Finding Nemo...only fish isn't a weakness for me!).
In John 16:33, Christ tells us to find our peace in Him...He warns us that in this world, we will have trouble, but to take heart because He has overcome the world.
Disappointment in the world is as common as breathing in and out...I understand that. In the world, we mingle with all walks of people, some of which have absolutely no Godly convictions whatsoever.
Disappointment in the church? Tough to handle.
If the expectations we place on our church leaders weren't so high, maybe the disappointment wouldn't be so deep. Our leaders aren't perfect. And some church leaders may not belong where they are. We must keep these things in mind when dealing with disappointment within the church. While there is no excuse for less than kind and gracious behavior from any church leader (in most situations), our example isn't church leadership. Our example is God. He's perfect, and He's always working out every situation for our good. We never have to rely on a god who makes mistakes, one who doesn't love us, or one who has no control over the situations we find ourselves dealing with in life. Any and everything that crosses our path, has gone through His capable hands, first.
That must mean that He has a plan!
Me too!!!
He sees. He offers the solution. He warns us of the danger of not exploring that solution. He encourages us that He's in control.
Disappointment is normal in this life. It's a fall from expectation. But if we will turn it over to The Lord, it will be tough to handle...but not impossible.
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