Read on, Friends...
Sometimes, even with the light, Luke gets scared. Last night, he woke me...or rather his Daddy woke me with a "Carmen...Luke is standing next to you and he's whimpering". So being in the fog I am usually in when I sleep, I scooped him right up and snuggled with him under the covers. Under my electric blanket, actually. What???!!! YOU don't sleep with an electric blanket when it's muggy and 90 degrees outside???!!!! Well I do. But that's a different blog on a different day.
I scooped Luke the complete darkness of my room, and he immediately fell asleep. Why would he fall asleep so easily in MY dark room, but wake up crying in HIS room, even though his light is on??!! He had loving, secure arms around him, of course, and he felt safe.
It reminded me of how we are with our Heavenly Father. In the light of day, things seem fine. Happy and cheerful, even. And when our life is going the way we want it to go, that's true. But when we experience hardship, a lot of times we get scared...even though we have the light of His Word that shines on us...and hopefully through us, all of the time.
He has made us secure in His love and sacrifice. We are safe.
"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5
"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure..." Psalm 16:9
"When I felt secure I said, I will never be shaken." Psalm 30:6
When we realize that security, we feel so safe. Just like Luke snuggling up and sleeping...we have to experience God's secure love for us before we can feel safe enough to let go and sleep in His care.
Maybe running into the Father's waiting arms would be exactly what you need.
He's waiting.
And I promise, you'll be safe and secure in Him.