In the hectic pace of life, do you ever wonder just how faithful God is? Do you ever fail to see Him even in the tiniest of details?
Let me encourage you to expect big things from God. He is faithful. He never fails us. He is interested in the details of our day...everyday.
In Psalm 44, the plea of the believer in Christ goes from reminding us
what God has done for us in the past, to
describing the persecution that is upon him...to
asking God to reveal Himself once again, claim victory over the present afflictions, and give relief. And in Psalm 44:21, we are reminded that
"He knows the secrets of the heart".
How incredibly comforting that is, in this present time, be it a joyful time or a challenging time, that God knows the secrets of our heart!
I love to be reminded
of how interested God is
in the secrets of my heart
and the details of my day!

It's like driving up behind the rear-end of the school bus on that first day of school (previous blog). It's like having that extra bit of money at just the right time. And it's when He places sweet words on the lips of your children, that we are reminded of His faithfulness...His measure of relief. Like a cool drink of water that is so refreshing to our mouth.
We must endure the challenges in order to be reminded of His faithfulness and love for us. To truly experience a joyful life, God's promises, and to know Who God Is...we must first experience the frustrating and sometimes heartbreaking situations that we encounter on a day-to-day basis.
Speaking of sweet words on the lips of children...
Luke started preschool yesterday. He's so little and precious...that sweet innocence of the toddler years, when the babes are learning to think on their own, yet copy every word that comes out of your mouth ("ah, maaaaaaan!!!").
I still love to smell him. And so God really touches my heart through Luke's innocence and truest form of speaking and thinking. Don't toddlers tell you what they
REALLY think?!?!!!
"Luke...did you like school?"
"Did you like Mrs. Diane?"
(a nod of that sweet blond head)
Then out of the blue...
CLEAR AS A BELL...Luke says,
"I learn about Jesus!"
Remember the ladybug blog? Well...I must have melted twice as much when Luke said
PRECIOUS way that God chose to be faithful to me today. Another way that God connected with my heart...encouraged me...loved on me...and expressed interest in the details of my day. Could He have picked a better surprise? I'll take one of those
EVERY day!!!
But if we don't give God a chance...if we don't take a "coffee break" from our hectic days, we'll be hard pressed to see those surprises. And He has them for us everyday.
He knows the secrets of our heart.
And He knows exactly how to speak to them.
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