I've struggled with feeling kind of "blue" during this winter season. Dean says it's because we've had so many days that have been bitterly cold. I agree. Therefore...Spring & Summer can't get here fast enough for me!!!

I'm looking forward to days without socks & shoes again. Days where I can open up the windows and doors and be comfortable enough to fall asleep in my chair as I read my favorite book. Those days refresh my soul! Similar to how my soul gets refreshed when I talk to God.

I can trust God to make sense of things when I can't...and to add purpose to things when I can't see. His sense, & His purpose, not to mention His ways, are so much higher than I can comprehend. And that's good to know! Because sometimes, when things feel bleak...and nothing makes sense...God is there to comfort me. He never leaves me. I'm so grateful to Him for that.
I was reading more of "The Shack", and came across the section where Jesus describes to Mack how his daughter Missy initially handled being in the van with her abductor. Jesus tells him that at first, Missy didn't know he (Jesus) was with her, but how, when she realized it, she settled down quite a bit. Jesus talked about how He held her through everything and how Missy was NEVER alone, through the entire ordeal. He goes on to state that Missy even prayed for her loved ones...that they wouldn't worry so much about her.
I don't know about you, but I'd say that the character, Missy, displayed an incredible amount of peace to be able to do that. And that's something that we refuse to accept from God so much of the time...
It's almost as if we'd rather be in turmoil...we'd rather suffer...than to trust God in His infinite wisdom and grace in our lives.
I was amazed to ponder the trust that this little girl had in such dire circumstances. Trust that God was with her and would not leave her. Trust that God knew everything happening and cared about her. And trust that God would comfort her loved ones.
Of course it made me wonder...
In the midst of devastation, do we trust God like that?
When the world seems to be coming to an end as we know it...do we trust God to be there?
I know that Missy is a fictitious character in a story that isn't real...but the story might as well have been written from a factual standpoint, as this is a story that could be told and retold as truth, time and time again. Children are kidnapped and murdered everyday in our nation. And their loved ones suffer. And they question God.
Wouldn't you?
I would...but my prayer is that when I'm faced with challenges and certain devastation, my trust in God will not waver. That should be the ultimate goal for all of us...
To trust our Creator. The very One who plans out our days and sees us through the trials we face in life. The One who gave His Son as payment for our sin. The Son who took it upon Himself to trade His life for ours.
How do we NOT trust Him?
Oh that's easy! We don't spend time with Him. We don't give Him the opportunity to show us how much He loves us and how trustworthy He really is. We tell Him that we can do life by ourself...we don't need Him. Then, when we're faced with the terrible consequences that we have NO IDEA how to handle...we blame Him. Thus leading to the wrong belief that GOD is the one who isn't trustworthy.
You mean, WE'RE the ones who aren't trustworthy, right?
Thank God that He doesn't depend on OUR logic to do His work! Otherwise, there would never be a good ending to the situation in which we find ourselves...in the back of that van. No matter what...God is with us. And He is not surprised by anything we encounter. He will never leave us alone. That's a promise! So we might as well step way out on that limb, and...
Trust Him.
'Cause Lord knows... you sure can't trust the weather forecast...
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