Monday, February 23, 2009

Trust the Outlook?...or trust God...

You just can't trust the weather in East Tennessee! Here we are in dreaded cold temperatures again. I say dreaded because I truly enjoyed the week we had twelve days ago when the temps stayed in the upper 60's. My whole spirit was refreshed by warmer weather!...and at the same time, I dreaded the cold weather that I knew would return for a spell. Before Spring steps in, ushering in Summer...until later this year.

I've struggled with feeling kind of "blue" during this winter season. Dean says it's because we've had so many days that have been bitterly cold. I agree. Therefore...Spring & Summer can't get here fast enough for me!!!

I'm looking forward to days without socks & shoes again. Days where I can open up the windows and doors and be comfortable enough to fall asleep in my chair as I read my favorite book. Those days refresh my soul! Similar to how my soul gets refreshed when I talk to God.

I can trust God to make sense of things when I can't...and to add purpose to things when I can't see. His sense, & His purpose, not to mention His ways, are so much higher than I can comprehend. And that's good to know! Because sometimes, when things feel bleak...and nothing makes sense...God is there to comfort me. He never leaves me. I'm so grateful to Him for that.

I was reading more of "The Shack", and came across the section where Jesus describes to Mack how his daughter Missy initially handled being in the van with her abductor. Jesus tells him that at first, Missy didn't know he (Jesus) was with her, but how, when she realized it, she settled down quite a bit. Jesus talked about how He held her through everything and how Missy was NEVER alone, through the entire ordeal. He goes on to state that Missy even prayed for her loved ones...that they wouldn't worry so much about her.

I don't know about you, but I'd say that the character, Missy, displayed an incredible amount of peace to be able to do that. And that's something that we refuse to accept from God so much of the time...


It's almost as if we'd rather be in turmoil...we'd rather suffer...than to trust God in His infinite wisdom and grace in our lives.

I was amazed to ponder the trust that this little girl had in such dire circumstances. Trust that God was with her and would not leave her. Trust that God knew everything happening and cared about her. And trust that God would comfort her loved ones.

Of course it made me wonder...

In the midst of devastation, do we trust God like that?

When the world seems to be coming to an end as we know we trust God to be there?

I know that Missy is a fictitious character in a story that isn't real...but the story might as well have been written from a factual standpoint, as this is a story that could be told and retold as truth, time and time again. Children are kidnapped and murdered everyday in our nation. And their loved ones suffer. And they question God.

Wouldn't you?

I would...but my prayer is that when I'm faced with challenges and certain devastation, my trust in God will not waver. That should be the ultimate goal for all of us...

To trust our Creator. The very One who plans out our days and sees us through the trials we face in life. The One who gave His Son as payment for our sin. The Son who took it upon Himself to trade His life for ours.

How do we NOT trust Him?

Oh that's easy! We don't spend time with Him. We don't give Him the opportunity to show us how much He loves us and how trustworthy He really is. We tell Him that we can do life by ourself...we don't need Him. Then, when we're faced with the terrible consequences that we have NO IDEA how to handle...we blame Him. Thus leading to the wrong belief that GOD is the one who isn't trustworthy.

You mean, WE'RE the ones who aren't trustworthy, right?

Thank God that He doesn't depend on OUR logic to do His work! Otherwise, there would never be a good ending to the situation in which we find the back of that van. No matter what...God is with us. And He is not surprised by anything we encounter. He will never leave us alone. That's a promise! So we might as well step way out on that limb, and...

Trust Him.

'Cause Lord knows... you sure can't trust the weather forecast...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Missing Piece

My children & I spent President's Day laughing at the antics of a dog named "Bolt" in the Disney movie of that title. After our trip to the $2 movies, we headed for McKays (books & movies). They love going there. They usually get about $3 or $4 each to spend there, and walk out with a bag full of stuff!

I, too, enjoy shopping there. I always pick up a few old dollar VHS movies for Tyler & I to watch later. And today was no different. I found 6 movies that looked entertaining, and purchased those.

I also found something else...

A Leapster cartridge.

A what? might ask.

A Leapster cartridge...or what I thought was a Leapster cartridge.

Let me explain what that is. About 3 years or so ago, our precious "Nana" gave each of the girls a Leapfrog Leapster. You purchase game cartridges that fit into the Leapster, and the kids play educational games.

The Leapsters are worth their weight in gold. Long drive ahead? No problem! Leapster can handle it...and Leapster can handle your kid. It's an amazing "toy". Hands down...the toy of the decade!!! And you know it's gotta be a big deal for a Mom of FIVE KIDS to say that!!!

So I "found" a Leapster game cartridge today...or so I thought. Unfortunately, the package only had the instructions to THE hottest game cartridge on the market...or rather NOT on the market. It was the "Junie B Jones" cartridge, which is no longer available for purchase at retail stores. And I had the package in my hand, with the instructions on how to play the game. So while I had all the necessary elements for the Leapster unit, one very important thing was missing...the game itself.

We desperately dug through the bin where we found it. No Junie B Jones game cartridge. We asked at the service Junie B Jones.

Did I tell you that I had been searching on Ebay for Junie B Jones? Yes. And around Christmas when I really wanted that game cartridge, and everybody else did was selling for around $60...USED, and Amazon currently has it on sale for $79. So imagine my initial reaction today at finding the package at McKays for $5.95...

Unfortunately, all the searching led to...NOTHING. I was so disgusted!
"God...that would have been such a blessing!" I complained, "Why would you allow me to find that, only to discover that it was missing the vital piece that would make it function?".

And here is what God told me...

"Because you need to realize what blessings you miss out on when you go about your day and leave Me out. I'm the vital piece that makes your day function as it should. You have all the paperwork you will ever need (the Bible). You have all the resources it takes to live and breathe, because I've provided that. Now you need to make me a "habit" need to make sure that you have the most important piece of your life in running order each and every day."

See folks...we can have it ALL. We can have all of our needs taken care of. We can live a carefree lifestyle. object. our fingertips. Status...right outside our door. But we ABSOLUTELY can't function properly if we're missing the most important piece of all, which is Christ. How frustrating was it for me today, to discover this game package at a mere fraction of the cost...only to find that it was missing the very piece that makes it a game?
How do we play the game of life
without the One Who CREATED the game???

We can't do it successfully. We can drag out all the stuff we think is necessary. We can put forth tons of effort. But if we don't have that relationship with Christ, we'll never be able to play the game. We won't REALLY be living.

I was still irritated about that missing game cartridge when we got home. But God reminded me that He has a purpose in that situation. Maybe someone else needed that cartridge worse than my kids. Or maybe it didn't work properly. It really doesn't matter at this point. It's just another game.

And who needs a "Junie B Jones", anyway?

I've already got a
Summerlyn B Jones... a
Savannah B Jones... & a
Scarlett B Jones...

I don't think I could handle anymore...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lola Ruth (Grandma and Ma)

(Ma w/Tyler in Dec. '90)
Today is Ma's birthday.
(Ma at Holden Beach in Oct '08)
She is 81.
(Ma w/baby Summerlyn in March '98)
What do YOU think an 81 year old woman would be like? I can assure you that she's NOTHING like you might imagine!!! My Ma has always taken care of herself. I don't mean that she works out each day or takes a 5 mile hike.

I mean that, in a sense, she's prissy...even 81.
(Ma w/Tyler at her anniversary celebration)
Here are ways that I know my Ma...

Sparkling clean house, perfectly painted fingernails and toenails, hair always done (or in the curler process of being done-HA!), clothes always neat, indulging her grandchildren, thinking ahead, organized, makeup on (except when preparing for bed), packing up to go to the cabin, coffee ready in a blink, saltines in the Premium tin on the bottom shelf, family taken care of, home cared for, good stories, finger pointed, folded down bags of her favorite snack in the upper cabinet (on the left side of the sink), "Be still!!!", chocolate covered cherries (Tyler developed his PASSION for these from her!), expert traveler, mowing grass, Lola "in charge"-HA!!!, floppy beach hat, camera in hand (the "dern thing"!), reading the latest best seller, little toe issues, beautiful wedding rings, lipstick prints on your cheek, lotion-soft hands, "Oh LORD!", laughing until our sides hurt and we cry, "I gotta take a pill!!!", chewing gum/mints, driving her car.
(Ma & Mom at JET's graduation in June '96)
Only a tip of the iceberg, but these things are snippets of the ways we know her! She is truly a remarkable woman. I love to hear her tell stories of her childhood. She was adopted. And she remembers things from when she was very young. Ma can tell you in great detail about life "back then". And you know as you listen to her that it truly was a different world...much simpler and more focused than what we experience today. Her world has always been focused on "Tommy" (my Pa), her family. Her home. Her kids. Her grand-kids. Her great-grand-kids.
(Ma w/toddler Savannah in summer of '01)
She's that woman who has always enjoyed doing things like "spring cleaning" and doing all the work it takes to prepare for guests. Of course now, she'll tell you that she's too old and too tired for all of that, but if she has any energy...she's up doing it!
(Me, Summerlyn, & Ma)
I'm sure my Ma has enjoyed other things over the years. I have a painting hanging in my hall upstairs that she did years ago. She's shown a passion for various things over the years, but never more so than her family, and friends.
(Me, Ma, & Debbie in summer of '01)
As I searched through my pictures, looking for memorable ones of Ma, I noticed something. Most of the pictures I've ever snapped of her are ones where she's doing something. Rarely are there pics of just her face! It's like my Mom said years ago...when you're the one who always takes the pictures, there aren't many pictures of you! It speaks so much to Ma's service to others. For the first 20 plus years of my life, we always had a big Thanksgiving dinner...we always had money & presents at Christmas...we always had special times when we visited my Grandparents. And Ma was a hard worker for her family, in all of that, and still is when she has the opportunity.
(Pa, me & Ma in summer '01)
Everybody is different...grandparents celebrate their time with their grandchildren differently. I was only able to visit with my Grandparents little more than a few times per year while growing up, so the visits were a highlight to my life, not just to my summer or holiday! It was something that I looked forward to for weeks & months, and
Ma did NOT disappoint during my visits!

(Ma & me)
The pics in this blog are again...only a tip of the iceberg. My memories of her reach much further. Look...nobody is perfect, I realize...BUT...for any imperfections my Grandparents have had, the blessings have abounded more so in my life. Their influence and love for me has made a mark on my life. And those of us who are close to Ma, have without a good and bad times...been exposed to lessons and sacrifice that make up a beautiful legacy. We would not be the people we are today, without Ma's touch.
(Pa, me, & Ma 1995)
Lord willing, we will continue to add to our memories and laughter this fall, when we head to Topsail Island on our family vacation. And that touch that Ma has will add to our character even more...HA! We are all looking forward to it!!!


(Ma, Dean, & Luke-Holden Beach-Oct'08)

Today, I praise the Lord that He breathed life into Lola Ruth!

(Having "tea"-Holden Beach-Oct/08)


Happy Valentines Day!

For God so loVed the world
****that He gAve His
***********onLy begotten Son
***that whosoEver will
***believeth iN Him
******shall noT
***********perIsh but have

John 3:16

Tried to get this out a little earlier! Check back for a special birthday blog!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


(Handsome Brother!)
Ahhh...having a "baby" brother. The joy! The trouble. And the thrill of watching him get his fanny spanked, while I got off "scott-free" (which RARELY happened!!!).

Today is my brother's birthday.

He's 31. Gee-whiz! What does that make ME???!!! Not funny, JET!!!(when I was pregnant w/Tyler...JET was Summerlyn's age now...11 years old)
I barely remember the day he was born. I was eight. I've wondered through the years, how my children have such great memories for being so young. It seems that they can remember and talk about things from the age of 4 or 5 (at least SCARLETT can, as she's only 6 now), and I can barely remember things from when I was younger.
(Jet w/Tyler)
I remember Mama & Daddy coming by my elementary school to say "good-bye", when they went to the hospital to have my brother (his name is Jonathan Edward Thomas...JET). I think I remember my Mom sitting on a towel or a towel in the floorboard of the car, and I think the car was dark blue. That sounds silly except that my Mom's water had broken, which would make sense. I'm sure I've probably seen pictures over the years to "help" my memory.
(Carmen-8 yrs old)
And I think the reason that I don't remember more from those younger years, is that Daddy gave me too much NyQuil to help me go to sleep...JUST KIDDING! (My Mom is probably having trouble breathing right now!).
(JET's kindergarten picture)
I remember being at my friend Sandra Gilbert's house, when her mother told us that I had a new baby brother. I didn't really comprehend that at first...just couldn't understand what that meant. All I knew was that I was getting to play at my friends house and we were going to have a sleepover!
(Dad purposely raised us crazy...)
My next memories of Jonathan consist of this little baby (if you call 8lbs, 8oz. LITTLE!) in a sleeping gown in his crib, which had the matching crib sheet. So I could barely tell where little baby brother stopped and where the crib sheet began! He had a sweet head and dark hair. And he was definitely on the chubby side! And Mama & Daddy kept showing me a special spot on the top of his head that was soft. Something about not poking it...(now you know what really happened!)...HA! I don't remember a lot of things that others the first time I saw the "he" part. Or how he sounded when he screamed. And I don't remember what I really thought of him, only that I struggled with some sibling jealousy initially. But I DO remember how cute he was...he was the cutest baby I'd ever seen. With dark eyes, a button nose, and chubby cheeks...well...chubby everything! He smelled good, too.
(JET at 10)
And I DO remember the time that my hamster's escaped from their cage...and how one of them ran RIGHT INTO Jonathan's nursery. My Mom was panicked, and I felt horrible! Of course, I don't remember how the hamster's escaped...but that's not important! What's important is that we found them all (I think there were 3), and returned them to their cage.
(Jet at 11)
It's funny how your memories get stirred up. As I started having children myself, I remembered so many things about when Jonathan was little. How he looked as he stood inside his crib, holding on to the rail and chomping down on his itchy gums. How he would push baby food out of his mouth when he didn't like the taste. And later on...when he was a he would constantly move his hands. I'm sure he was probably ADHD...but they didn't know about that stuff way back then!

(JET's football pic)(After JET's surgery...I was pregnant w/Luke)
I'd love to show you pictures of that yummy little baby boy, but Mama has them "packed up" somewhere, and I don't have any myself, despite the fact that I was like another mommy to him. I just wasn't into picture taking at the ripe old age of 8! Over the years, I've certainly felt like I mothered JET in some way...except that at 8 years old, I couldn't possibly have birthed him! AND...he did irritate me and get me extra spankings as a child...which definitely makes him a bratty little brother. But without a doubt, God blessed our family so much with Jonathan...and here's my birthday wish for him...

(Mom & Dad...don't worry...they don't look like that now...!)

"Honor your father and your mother,
as the LORD your God has commanded you,
so that you may live long
and that it may go well with you
in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Deuteronomy 5:16

I'm so glad you were born!!!
(Papaw & JET...I think JET is 22)
(JET & Tyler...JET is 20)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Following Christ

Do you think of "following Christ" in terms of giving up the "bad stuff"? Or for those who are more devoted to the calling...staying away from specific sins? No more wild more alcohol induced more more more selfishness. Sounds harsh, I know...But as Christians, sometimes we think living out the Christian life means leaving out the obvious sins that are so damaging. Laying down a sinful lifestyle is definitely part of having a relationship with Christ. However, we face a serious problem as believers, if we define ourselves as His followers but only focus on the obvious sinful behavior...when the devil snookers us with the subtleties of sin. We must realize that Christ calls us to much more than just laying down sin...He calls us to a change of heart AND life.

He calls us to be "fishers of men".

In Matthew 4:18-20, Christ told brothers, Peter & Andrew, to "Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men". And they did...just like that! The Bible says they "immediately" left their nets and followed Christ. The first thing I notice about this testimony is that Christ didn't say, "Stop committing sins against God and THEN follow Me". He didn't say, "As soon as you have given up the bad stuff, THEN follow Me". Jesus realized that the core of our Christianity...that is, being a follower of Jesus Christ...does not depend on how well we can harness our sinful nature. If it depended on that, it wouldn't matter that He died on the cross to pay for our sins! Jesus knew that the most important thing about being a Christian, was for those men to follow Him and to serve others. And when He called them to do just that, they immediately obeyed Him.

Christ calls us to follow Him and to serve others, and He gives us many examples of each. Christ obeyed His Father and He led & taught by example. Some of the greatest advice for our Christian walk He's ever given us are found in Matthew chapter 5...

"Those people who know they have great spiritual needs are happy, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Those who are sad now are happy, because God will comfort them. Those who are humble are happy, because the earth will belong to them. Those who want to do right more than anything else are happy, because God will fully satisfy them. Those who show mercy to others are happy, because God will show mercy to them. Those who are pure in their thinking are happy, because they will be with God. Those who work to bring peace are happy, because God will call them his children. Those who are treated badly for doing good are happy, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them." vs 3-10

Christ tells us exactly what the Christian life is all about...what the cost is for those who believe in Him, follow Him, and serve others. He explains to us that we have great spiritual needs...there are times we will be sad in which God will comfort us. He calls us to be humble and to do right. He calls us to show mercy and be pure in thought. And we are to work on bringing peace to ourselves and others. And He sees ALL things, and He WILL reward us! Notice He also says heaven is ours! God will comfort us...He will fully satisfy...He will extend mercy...we will be with Him...He will claim us as His own!

In verses 11 & 12, He promises this...
"People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do, you will be happy. Rejoice and be glad, because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. People did the same evil things to the prophets who li
ved before you."

So how can Christ say that when we're persecuted...we'll be happy...?!!!???

Because He knows that the most important thing in our life is to follow Him and serve others. In following Him, we'll be participating in a relationship with Him. And that is the key to this life. He doesn't promise us that we'll be happy due to our circumstances. He never said our happiness depends on how our day, week, or year goes. He says that we'll be happy if we follow Him...if we have a relationship with Him...and we'll find joy in serving others.

Simply put...the Christian life is
more about taking action to follow Him
and serve others...
being "fishers of men",
than focusing on being "good".

We can't be good, matter how hard we try! So He calls us to follow Him...

And guess what?

The "bad stuff" won't be as tempting if we're walking daily with just won't taste good.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8