Sunday, June 29, 2008


At some point in time, most people have to ask themselves this question: Why are we here? Do I have a purpose? The Bible tells us that YES, we have a purpose! Now, you can choose to believe the Bible, God's Word-or you can choose not to believe it. But the Bible says that our purpose in life is to bring glory to God. And the Bible has maintained it's purpose and position all along, despite how many times the world and people in it have changed. The Scriptures are the same yesterday, today, and forever because they were inspired by a Holy God. So go with me there...what does it mean to 'bring glory to God'? I asked my Mom a few years back, "What does it mean to tie your shoes for the glory of God?". In Bible studies, I've heard people say such, and I think...seriously!...does God really CARE if we tie our shoes?!!! Mom told me that the very fact that our bodies function brings glory to God. How so?...I asked. "Because He created our bodies to function!", she replied, "If your hands do what they're supposed to do, no matter if it's tying shoes or cooking food, then it brings glory to God!". NOW I know about tying my shoes for the glory of God! Thanks Mom! So is God impressed with our shoe-tying abilities? Maybe when we're 5 years old!!!!!

God is impressed with us being willing to fulfill the purpose for which He's made us. And our purpose doesn't stop at tying our shoes! While that brings glory to God, we must continue to grow spiritually and understand what direction God desires for us to go. Something that my Mom has always taught me.

When I was in high school, I totally knew that direction. I was going to be a band director. I loved marching band and I loved being in charge!!!!!...still love the 'in charge' part! Through the course of bad decisions, that never came to fruition. In fact, I came to lack a sense of direction and purpose for my life. That is an utterly miserable place to be! Through much soul searching and heartache, I came to realize that being a band director was not God's plan for my life, anyway. God taught me that being in His will and being content there, was the true source of success and happiness! That doesn't mean that I haven't gone through periods of my life since then, where my vision got cloudy concerning His direction for me, but it DOES mean that I've discovered the true meaning of the word PURPOSE...Websters defines it as "something set up as an end or object to be attained; an action in course of execution". I especially love the meaning of "purpose-built"-"built for a particular purpose". God made each of us for a particular bring glory to Him by following HIS master plan for our lives. I've discovered that God's purpose for my life is the door to success, happiness, AND fulfillment.

This is a picture of my Scarlett. She recently turned 6 years old. She asked Jesus to forgive her of her sins and come live in her heart & life. She has made the first step toward discovering her purpose in life. And by being her Mother and teaching her about Christ, I've made steps toward fulfilling MY purpose. I can't think of a better purpose in my life than to teach these children about the Savior!

Are you satisfied in life? If not, you need to discover The Master's plan for you. And believe holds just as much sense of accomplishment as learning to tie your shoes at the age of 5...

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